团立项 Places of interest in China

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  • Places of interest
                           in China
  • The three alleys and seven lanes are the
    national 5A tourist attractions, which 
    are the only part of the old urban area 
    of Fuzhou after the construction of the 
    building of the country after the founding of the people's Republic. It is the source of the history of Fuzhou and the root of 

  • The three alleys and seven lanes
  •   The Summer Palace (颐和园) is a 
    palace in Beijing, China. The initial
    construction of the Summer Palace 
    began in 1750. Artisans reproduced 
    the garden architecture styles of 
    various palaces in China.
  • The Summer Palace
  • The Wulong Karst(武隆喀斯特) is a karst 
    landscape located within the borders of Wulong County, Chongqing. It is divided into three 
    areas containing the Three Natural Bridges
    (天生三桥), the Qingkou Tiankeng 
    (箐口天坑) and Furong Cave (芙蓉洞)
    respectively. It is a part of the Wulong Karst
    National Geology Park as well as part of the 
    South China Karst, a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site.

  • Wulong Karst
  • The Old Town of Lijiang is also known as
    Dayan Town in Lijiangba. It is an intact
    ancient city inhabited mostly by Naxi
    ethnic people and covers an area of 1.5 
    square kilometers. It is surrounded by Lion
    Mountain in the west and by Elephant and
    Golden Row Mountains in the north. The 
    city is favored with plentiful sunlight, an 
    east wind and clear spring water which 
    flows in three streams and reaches every 
  • The Old Town of Lijiang