- Latest Policy Briefing and Symposium ofForeign Chambers of Commerce in NanjingAnd opening ceremony of Nanjing ForeignAffairs Service Association
- 南京市最新政策通报会暨外国商会座谈会及南京市涉外服务协会揭牌仪式与冷餐会
- Nanjing Foreign Affairs Service Association
- 南京市涉外服务协会
- Dear Madam/Sir,I write to cordially invite you to attend theopening of the Nanjing Foreign AffairsService Association on 23 March, 2019.This first-of-its-kind entity in China, that falls under the umbrella of the Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office, gives foreigners in Nanjing asay in the provision of government services.
It is with the belief that foreigners inNanjing understand their needs best, thatthe Association can thereby increase the“stickiness”of the city, effectivelyconnecting and guiding expatriate groups,through self-organization, theaccumulation of the city's internationalresources; and promote the city's economicand social development plusinternationalization.
- Next month's opening ceremony is also anexcellent opportunity to present theNanjing 2019 Policy Briefing Conference.We shall be honored to have you presentat both events.RSVP,Sincerely yours,Angela HeCo-Chair
- 尊敬的先生/女士,我在此诚挚地邀请您参加2019年3月23日南京市涉外服务协会的开幕式。南京市涉外服务协会隶属于南京外事办公室,致力于在政府服务方面为南京的外国人提供帮助。协会积极了解在南京生活和学习及工作的外国人的需求,有效地联系和指导外籍人士组织活动,积累国际资源,促进城市经济和社会的国际化发展。开幕式当天还将举办南京市最新政策通报会暨外国商会座谈会,请您在2019年3月23日抽出宝贵的时间出席,活动的详细安排附在此后,敬请查看。敬候您的回复,真诚的感谢您,Angela He 贺雯主席南京市涉外服务协会
- 1. Time:10:00 - 14:00 March 23, 2019.2. Address: 1F, Block B, Xianlin HighTech Innovation Park, 8 Xuejin Lu,Qixia District, Nanjing3. Schedule:Ⅰ) Nanjing 2019 Policy BriefingConference (9:30 - 11:30)Ⅱ) Opening ceremony of NanjingForeign Affairs Service Association(11:30 - 12:00)Ⅲ) Stand-up buffet (12:00 - 13:00)(Parking Available at thebassment)
- Conference Agenda
- 一、时 间:2019年3月23日(周六) 9:30-14:00二、地 点:栖霞区仙林街道学津路8号高创中心B座三、内 容:1、南京市最新政策通报会暨外国商会座谈会(9:30 - 11:30)2、南京市涉外服务协会揭牌仪式(11:30 - 12:00)3、简餐会(12:00-13:00)(地下室有停车位)
- 大会议程
- 时间:2018-3-23(上午10点)
- 电话:18915937915 Kristen
- 1F, Block B, Xianlin High Tech Innovation Park, 8 Xuejin Lu,Qixia District, Nanjing栖霞区仙林街道学津路8号高创中心B座地铁2号线学则路站下Metro line 2 at Xueze Lu Station
- 大会地点