- waiting for you
- 泥金彩漆
- 泥上闪耀的颜色似搁置在旧时光里的梦
- 小巷里的打泥声
- 闪光的金色,是历久弥新的梦
- 彩漆,给从前上色
- 清明果Traditional Chinese Dessert
- 泥金彩漆作为一项发迹于宁波的非物质文化遗产,拥有超过7000年历史。其精巧的做工与华丽的图案,常被用作女子出嫁时的家具装饰,因而有十里红妆的美名。而此次活动正式将前往历史文化名城------慈城,体验独特的泥金彩漆的制作过程。我们将于4月1日(星期日)上午7:45前往慈城进行体验活动,并计划于当天下午4:30返回学校。在活动中,你将有机会进入冯岳彩绘台门参观,亲手制作时令小吃清明果,并体验泥金彩漆的制作的精美工艺。
- 慈城·从前慢
- The destination of our day trip is a town called Cicheng, Possessing the quiet, this small town will bring the experience of making an illuminated painting with the instruction by the inheritors.We will accompany 1 group to Cicheng at 7:45 am on Sunday 1th April. And we will came back at approximately 4:30 pm that day. The itinerary is composed Feng’s Colour- decorated Courtyard and Illuminated Painting Experiencing Programme. Besides, you can also have the opportunity to make a Chinese traditional dessert by yourself.
- Cicheng: Tranquil Peace
- 慈城等你👆扫码报名👆