- 如果你也想做教育
- The Affiliated High School of Peking University
2017 Overseas Recruitment
- 如果你也想做教育欢迎加入北大附中,做适合自己的选择。
- 附中的老师——选择附中在这里,老师也不再是老师,而是一个学科的掌门人,老师拥有自己专属的教室,可以按照学科的特性和个人风格设计这个空间来生动地展现该学科学习的体验。
- 附中的学生——敢于选择在这里,学生不再是学生,而是知识的采集者,学习计划和进度由自己安排,自主利用学校提供的资源,完成自己的学习契约。
- Founded in 1960, the Affiliated High School of Peking University is a well-known school in China. It is a national level key and model public secondary school directly under the supervision of Peking University.北京大学附属中学成立于1960年,是北京大学“小学-中学-大学-研究生院”四级火箭培养模式的重要组成部分。
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- who we are?我们是谁?
- By breaking barriers among grades, classrooms and subjects, we focus on developing an open environment for self-directed learning. We believe learning is a personalized progress and give each student the power to make choices and direct their own study and activities. In this way we create a campus that encourages creativity and independence amongst our students, giving them a platform to allow their true talents to grow.自2010年开始,北大附中高中开始教育改革,形成多元自主的发展模式,走班制、选课制、学院制、书院制、导师制等特色办学成效显著。
- 我们提供:共同研发课程,参与教育改革的机会;一个热情每天开脑洞并积极落实的团队;定期外部资源进校分享和培训;开放自由的校园,以流行色粉刷的办公环境:可书写墙面、可休息懒人沙发、可移动式办公桌;美味食堂;健身房;家远的老师还可以申请校园宿舍;有行业竞争力的薪资,海外留学生有机会解决北京户口。
- We offer:• Competitive salary, detail upon request• Provide school accommodation• A passionate and highly talented team
- 如果你也想做教育,我们会为特别的你量身定制岗位!
- 招聘岗位:语文、英语、政治、历史、地理、数学、物理、化学、生物、艺术、体育、心理、信息技术、通用技术
- We are looking for:• Secondary Liberal Arts Teacher: Chinese, English, Politics, History, Geography• Secondary Science Teacher: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology• Secondary Fine Arts Teacher• Secondary PE Teacher• Secondary IT teacher• Secondary Psychology Teacher
- 招聘要求:1、本科以上学历,学科不限2、构建中学阶段本学科知识体系,开展知识点教学3、设计与组织学生开展本科目或跨学科的主题项目及活动4、兼任导师,对一定数量的学生负责,关注学生成长,随时了解状态5、认同学习即生活的理念,通过参与或阅读理解通识教育的价值6、对信息技术抱开放态度,有终身学习意识和能力
- Bachelor General Requirements:• Bachelor’s degree and above• Genuine love of working with children• Life-long learner• Team player with respectful and flexible spirits• Tech savvy who can adapt high tech skills into education
- 投递简历 pkuschool2017@163.com
- Candidates please send your resume or cover letter to :pkuschool2017@163.com
- 欢迎你的加入!
- 北大附中2017海外招聘