Simcere Career Development and Recruitment Forum

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Join us, if you are stronger!(Harvard)
  • Ph.D. from Boston College, USA

    20+ years of industrial experience in biological drug development at Pfizer,
    EMD Serono, J&J

    Major contributor of discovery and develop of EMD Serono's recently approved anti-PD-L1, and multiple IND preparation and patent filing

  • Executive Director
    Translational Medicine, SBP
  • Ph.D. from Indiana University

    Senior leadership positions in Guojian, Roche, BI, Covance

    Reviewer of CFDA

    Reviewer of National Key Innovative Drug R&D Projects
  • Executive Director
    Head of Preclinical R&D
  • Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin, USA

    5 years’ Ab discovery, Principal Scientist at Xbiotech USA

    2 years’ senior leadership at Wuxi AppTec

    3 mAb drugs (1 NDA with EMA, 1 in Ph2 with FDA)

  • Executive Director
    Head of Antibody Discovery
  • Ph.D. from University of Cambridge

    18 years' experience in discovery & development at Eisai Europe, Sanofi,
    Takeda & GSK Singapore

    Led 8 molecules to pre-clinical, 1 to clinical & 2 to market
  • Senior Director
    Head of Discovery Biology & Pharmacology
  • Ph.D. from East China Science and Technology University

    7 years' leadership in biologics development in Simcere 

    Major contributor of 2 INDs with CFDA
  • Director
    Head of Protein Production