- 如果你也想做教育
- The Affiliated High School of Peking University2017 Teachers Recruitment2017北大附中教师招聘
- 附中的学生——敢于选择在这里,学生不再是学生,而是知识的采集者,学习计划和进度由自己安排,自主利用学校提供的资源,完成自己的学习契约。附中的老师——选择附中在这里,老师也不再是老师,而是一个学科的掌门人,老师拥有自己专属的教室,可以按照学科的特性和个人风格设计这个空间来生动地展现该学科学习的体验。如果你也想做教育欢迎加入北大附中,做适合自己的选择。
- who we are?我们是谁?
- Founded in 1960, the Affiliated High School of Peking University is a well-known school in China. It is a national level key and model public secondary school directly under the supervision of Peking University.北京大学附属中学成立于1960年,是北京大学“小学-中学-大学-研究生院”四级火箭培养模式的重要组成部分。
- who we are?我们是谁?
- Some people say, “This is an untraditional school.”Our students say, “This is the Hogwarts of China!”Our teachers say, “This high school is more like a university.”Our principal says, “At least we provide education in a way different from that of elementary education.”Here, every factor in education is to be reimagined.别人说,我们是“一所脱离轨道的公立校”学生说,我们是“中国的霍格沃茨”老师说,我们是“比大学还像大学的地方”校长说,“至少我们不能和小学教育一个样”在这里,每一个教育元素,都能被重新想象。
- By breaking barriers among grades, classrooms and subjects, we focus on developing an open environment for self-directed learning. We believe learning is a personalized progress, giving each student the power to make choices and directing their own study and activities. In this way, we create a campus that encourages creativity and independence amongst our students, giving them a platform to allow their true talents to grow.北京大学附属中学秉承北京大学自由民主、兼收并蓄的精神,率先启动“破墙计划“,实行导师制和书院制,开展走班选课、项目制学习、个性化教育、翻转课堂、跨学科学习等创新实践,走过八年风雨教改路已硕果累累,但探索未来学校的步伐从未停止。
- You will work as a course designer instead of a textbook follower;a leader of the new study pattern instead of a traditional teacher.You will define the content of your course;You will decide the way you teach; you will determine how to decorate your classroom;You even will weigh greatly in management and operation of the school, to realize what you have dreamed about a school in childhood.在这里,你将从照本宣科的讲授者变为独辟蹊径的设计者;从传统的教书匠变为新式的引导者。你将决定课程的内容,可以是“神奇动物 在哪里”或者“爱乐之城”;你将决定上课的方式,无论是“魔法学院” 还是“朗朗读书传课堂”;你将决定教室的布置,有的是“书山有路勤 为径”有的是“浪漫满屋”;你甚至将决定学校的整体管理和运营,想不想把那些小时候关于学校的梦想变为现实?
- We are looking for:• Secondary Liberal Arts Teacher: Chinese, English, Politics, History, Geography• Secondary Science Teacher: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology• Secondary Fine Arts Teacher• Secondary PE Teacher• Secondary IT teacher• Secondary Psychology Teacher招聘岗位:语文、英语、政治、历史地理、数学、物理、化学生物、艺术、体育、心理信息技术、通用技术如果你也想做教育,我们会为特别的你量身定制岗位
- We hope you are a lifelong learner with a master degree or above; Having considerable expertise in a certain academic field; Adaptive to “project-based learning":To design a course that is attractive and compelling to students;Being able to organize student societies;Having passion for the cause of education and sharing the same ideals with us.What we truly care is how much you are zealous for education and how well we match to each other!我们期望你热爱学习,最好读到硕士。希望你能精通某一领域的知识,因为对孩子学识的讲授,不仅“发得了核心”,也要“上的了课堂”。更重要的是,能适应“项目制工作”的模式:你能设计让学生喜欢的学习内容, 你能带动学生课外社团,因为你的发展空间,不仅“三尺讲台”, 更是“三百六十行”; 任何你想做的、有助于学生成长和学校发展的事情,都可以成为自己的工作内容。最后,希望你能由衷热爱教育事业,虽然每个学生可能只是你的千百分之一,但你却是他们的全部。但我们真正在意的依旧是我们彼此的契合程度和你对教育的热忱!
- We offer:1. To be involved in the irreversible education reform in China as a participant.2. To work with a group outstanding colleagues with excellent education background3. To get along with teenagers, keeping vigor and youthfulness4. To have access to the newest high-quality industry resources5. To enjoy the free, open and home-like working environment6. Self-catering kitchen, free gym and teacher’s apartment7. A Beijing Hukou and an official staff recommendation, paid holidays, and a good wage.我们提供:1. 从北京到中国,新的教育改革正在全面席卷,你将成为亲身参与者和实践者2.有清北和海归,有资深和新秀,优秀的团队已经组建,你将成为实际加入者和受益者3. 每天接触学生“小鲜肉”,有“心水”,不需“神仙水”4. 前沿优质资源定期分享,要“品牌”,拒绝“耍大牌”5. 开放自由的校园和舒适的办公环境,有像家一样的工作环境6. 自助厨房、免费健身房和教师公寓,是由工作单位提供的家7. 所有不谈收入的招聘都是耍流氓:一样的北京编制户口,带薪寒暑假、优厚的薪资待遇
- 职位查看 http://zhaopin.pkuschool.edu.cn/请扫描下方二维码完成问卷,并投简历至bdfzoffice@pkuschool.edu.cn同时抄送至niexin@i.pkuschool.edu.cn
- Open positions and requirements:http://zhaopin.pkuschool.edu.cn/Candidates please scan the QR codes and send your resume to bdfzoffice@pkuschool.edu.cnand cc: niexin@i.pkuschool.edu.cn
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