2018大陆汽车常熟工厂家庭日 活动手册
2018 CHA Family Day Activity Manual
- 全家总动员 欢乐嘉年华
- 活动手册
- 08:15-08:30 签到 Sign-in08:30-08:35 开场表演 Opening Dance08:35-08:40 开始 Opening08:40-08:50 领导致辞 GM Speech08:50-09:10 健康跑、厂区参观准备时间Preparation Time for Running & Plant Visit09:10-09:40 健康跑步 Running Day09:10-11:30 参观工厂 Plant Visit11:30-13:15 午餐 Lunch09:10-15:30 活动时间 Activities
- 主持人进行引导想参加running day的员工在起点集合,围着工厂逆时针跑三圈,前十名会请到主舞台来领奖。The host invites people who want to take part in Running Day to gather at the starting point and asks them to run around the factory counter clockwise . The top ten will be asked to receive awards on the main stage.
- Map of Game Point Distribution
- 游戏点位分布图
- 每人可投球10个、以命中7球以上为过关。Each person can slam basketball ten times. More than seven slams means passing the game.
- 百发百中 Be A Crack Shot
- 每人可玩5次,用弹弓射击对面的猪,击落为胜。Each person is allowed 5 times to play it . Shoot the opposite pig with a sling shot. Shooting down means winning.
- 愤怒的小鸟 Angry Birds
- 分成小队进行游戏,互相抽签由谁先开始打,限时2分钟。Game before being divided into teams. Decide the order by drawing lots. Time limit is 2 minutes.
- 真人打地鼠 Whack-a-mole
- 喷火神枪 Fire gun
- 游戏开始,对准标靶上,扣动扳机,一局十枪,一枪最高分数是十环,打中60环,过关。When the game starts , please aim at the target, and then pull the trigger. One set has ten shots. The highest score in one shot is ten rings. 60 rings means passing the game.
- 竞技类游戏说明
- Competitive Description
- Competitive Description
- 竞技类游戏说明
- 两两对决,两分钟时间内,在指定区域内互相推,拉,接,拽,顶,将对手推出圈外部为胜者。Two persons compete with each other. Within two minutes, they will push, drag , pull , ram against each other in the designated area . Push the opponent out of the circle and you are the winner.
- 相扑 Sumo
- 两人对抗,规定时间内,进球多为胜。Two persons compete with each other. In the specified time, the one with more goals is the winner.
- 桌上足球/冰球 Football/Ice Hockey On The Table
- 开放时间:上午10:30-11:30 下午:13:00-14:30Opening hours: 10:30a.m.-11:30a.m. 13:00p.m.-14:30p.m.游玩细则:入场前请在工作人员处领取雨衣,每组游戏成员为2人(分2队对抗)每次游戏时间为15分钟。Rules: Please get a raincoat from our staff before entering. Each group has 20 players (2 teams). Each game lasts for 15 minutes.
- 水枪大战 Water-gun War
- 参加游戏的人员,需脱鞋后进入游戏场地,鞋由工作人员拿到终点处。每人轮流投掷色子。色子画面执行内容设置:私家车(原地不动) / 摩托车(原地不动) / 电瓶车(向前一步)/公交车(向前两步)/ 步行(向前三步)/ 自行车(向前四步)。每人投掷不限次数,最先抵达终点者获胜。People need to take off shoes before playing the games . Shoes will be taken to the destination by our staff . Everyone takes turns to throw dice. Aspects of the dice are set as: car (stay on the spot) / motor car (stay on the spot)/electric power cart (one step forward) /bus (two steps forward)/ walking (three steps forward) / bicycle (four steps forward). Everyone can throw dice many times , which is not limited . Someone who arrives at the destination earliest is the winner.
- 低碳欢乐行 Low-carbon Happy Tour
- 充气海洋球 Inflated Ocean Ball
- 每轮有四个家庭参加,小孩在海洋球里面寻找,大人可在“垃圾箱”处作指导。 每轮时间为5分钟。 每轮检出海洋垃圾最多,且没有错误的家庭获胜。 每对一个垃圾,计数+1,错误的则计数-2. 计数最高的队伍获胜。Four families participate in a round. Kids search in the Ocean Balls with the guidance from adults at the “dustbin”. Every round lasts for five minutes. The family which picks the most rubbish without error is the winner. If the “rubbish” is right, you will get one point. Otherwise , you will lose two points. The team with the highest points win.
- 能源日区游戏说明
- Game Description about Energy Day Zone
- 每轮有四个家庭参加, 每轮时间为5分钟。 每轮垃圾分类对的家庭, 每对一个垃圾,计数+1,错误的则计数-2. 计数最高的队伍获胜Four families participate in a round . Every round lasts for five minutes. Families who are right in classifying rubbish will get one point for each right answer . Otherwise they will lose two points. The team with the highest scores wins.
- 捕鱼达人 Fish-catching Master
- 能源日区游戏说明
- Game Description about Energy Day Zone
- 医疗服务站(游戏入口处)
- 如有疑问请咨询穿红色工作服的工作人员If there is any question, please consult thestaff in red uniform.
- Service Station
- 服务台
- Medical Service Station(at the entrance of the game)
- 诚 邀 出 席
- 扫二维码获取活动更多资讯