- 倒计时
- 开业倒计时
- 活动时间:二零一八年四月九日上午十二点入场活动场地:成都市人民南路四段19号威斯顿联邦大厦2217联系电话:028-85520608
- 尊敬的先生/女士:谨代表成都三号教室诚挚邀请您参加公司开业活动。感谢您一直以来对我们的支持和厚爱!
- Invitation
- 倒计时
- Opening Countdown
- Time: 12 P.M.Date: April 9th, 2018Venue: 2217 Western Tower, 19 Renminnan Road 4th SectionTelephone:028-85520608
- Beloved Ladies/Gentlemen:On behalf of No. 3 English Workshop, we extend to you our most sincere invitation to the Opening Ceremony.We appreciate your kind support and look forward to seeing you.
- 公交车:16路;99路;118路;倪家桥站下车后步行200米
- 乘车路线
- 地铁一号线倪家桥站C出口
- 请保留这张邀请函,我们在活动现场会公布神秘口令,让红包飞起来~
- 开业彩蛋
- Keep this invitationGet the token at the OpeningReceive your lucky money!
- 口令红包