- 开 学 啦
- 果
- 弋
- 弋果欢乐开学Party开始报名啦!
- 全外教幼少体验课
- 全外教少儿进阶课
- 全外教少儿多频 课
- 全外教幼儿小菁鹰课
- 尊敬的各位家长:
-- 弋果金宝汇学校 - 致家长的一封信
- 弋果美语品牌于1999年在台湾创立,旨在建立幼儿以及中小学全美语全外教的培训学校,实现与国际接轨的目标。我们专注于3一15岁的幼少儿的美语语言培训,以美国、加拿大的幼儿、小学同步教材为载体,以数学、美术、自然科学、烘焙、体能、舞蹈、生活教育、诗歌朗诵的内容,培养孩子听、说、读、写、考用、玩的7大能力以及英语思维能力。
- 弋 果 简 介
- 一、欢迎仪式1.Welcome eagle students back to Eagle. All the kids are singing and dancing together, the song is the Hockey Pocky .2.The foreign teacher give an example to introduce himself/herself first, and then it is turn to kids to give the self-introductions one by one, after the last one finished, all of them say hooray together.3.Challenge time --choose another one to give a introduction one by one e.g. this is my mom, Lily or this is Daisy, she is my friend.二、亲子互动游戏■ Show time--What will you do in the morning of the first day, Parents teacher and kids work together to show the scenes .■ Big Wheel Time—Eagle will prepare the words related with the getting started: at my school, I can do it , calendar & weather, clothing and people at my school。The kids can choose the words with the stance of the big hand. Teacher will show the picture the parents and students will speak out the words together.Dancing Time—all are singing and dancing together. The songs are The Color Song , The Shape Song and I’m Special .
- 活动Party内容
- 北京市东城区金宝汇购物中心2层210.弋果美语教育
- | 活动地址
- 2018年9月8日上午10:45-11:55
- | 活动时间
- 活动对象3-15周岁适龄均可报名。
- | 活动对象
- 活动安排
- 往期活动回顾
- 1.对英语活动感兴趣的小朋友2.以家庭为单位报名、3-15岁3.弋果学员报名需最少邀请1名小朋友,最多2名小朋友一起参加4.本次活动上限为25组家庭、5.报名时请确保活动当天能准时参加
- 报名条件
- 上线预约