The First "Huanyi Thoughts" Collaboration Forum
The First "Huanyi Thoughts" Collaboration Forum
- 第一届寰翼“思想”座谈会The First "Huanyi Thoughts"Collaboration Forum
- ——“每个孩子都是天才。但如果硬要以鱼儿爬树的本领,来评估他们的能力,那他们这辈子都会觉得自己是条笨鱼”—— ”Kids are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
- 探讨内容:良好的教育究竟该“教”什么?Content:A good education--What should be taught?
- Welcome
- 时间Time:2016/10/21 14:30-16:30地点Address:上海寰翼儿童魔法学院—大境路 139 号Huanyi Magic Children's AcademyNo139,Dajing Rd,Huangpu District.Shanghai
- 参会人群:3-7 岁学龄前儿童的家长Participants: Preschool children's parents(Preschool children:3-7 y.o)会议主持: 寰翼校长—飞飞Host:Headmaster of Huanyi - Fay
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