纪念刘夫容先生Memory of Mr. Low
- 纪念刘夫容先生
- Memory ofMr. Low Foo Yong
- 本期主题 Cover Topic
- The Qingming Festival is a major spring festival in theancient Chinese tradition, which people expressing thememory of ancestors. There are some countries andregions in the world also celebrate Qingming festival,such as Vietnam, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and so on. Today, we miss our old friend in Health Qigongfield, Mr. Low Foo Yong, IHQF Executive Board member and consultant of Qigong Shi Ba Shi Association(Singapore).
- 清明节,是中华民族古老的传统的重大春祭节日,扫墓祭祀、缅怀祖先。除了中国,世界上还有一些国家和地区也过清明节,比如越南、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡等。今天,我们也怀念我们健身气功界的老朋友——国际健身气功联合会执委、新加坡气功十八式协会会务顾问刘夫容先生。
- The above words are probably the deepest impression to Mr. Low for many people inIHQF Family WeChat group. Yes, for anygood Health Qigong message from anyperson around the world, he was alwaysthe first time to encourage everyone,expressed his cheers for everyone!
- “祝贺你!太棒了!为你喝彩!加油!谢谢!”这恐怕是不少人在“国际健身气功大家庭”微信群里对刘先生最深的印象了。没错,对于世界各地任何一个人传出来的健身气功信息,他永远都是第一时间在鼓励大家,鼓舞大家,为每个人叫好!
- “黄莺乱啼门外柳,雨细清明后。能消几日春,又是相思瘦。”2018年7月30日,与癌症进行了不懈抗争的刘先生永远离开了我们。时隔八月后的清明,追思之情流淌。On July 30, 2018, Mr. Low,who had been battlingcancer for long time,left us forever.During the QingmingFestival after his leaveabout eight months,the feeling of memorialstill flows.
- Singapore started to promoteQigong around 1986, and it waswith the encouragement of Mr.Low Foo Yong that Qigong ShiBa Shi Association was formallyestablished in 1987 and becamea legal registered organization.
- 新加坡1986年左右开始推广气功,正是在刘夫容先生的鼓励下,1987年新加坡气功十八式协会正式成立,成为合法的注册团体。
- He established three strategiesfor the Association:I. Establishing an unitedand well-disciplined teamof enthusiastic volunteersto promote Qigong;II. Having various publiceducation programs/activitiesto promote Qigong exercises;III. Conduct the Association'saffairs with proper and heathyorganization/managementas well as effectivecultivation/development of futuretalents.
- 他为协会订立了三大策略:一、建立团结又有纪律的热心义务团队;二、推广气功的各项公众教育活动;三、正确设计健全组织与人才培训方向。
- 30多年来,在其支持和指导下,新加坡气功十八式协会的全国健身气功运动蓬勃发展,吸引了许多新的健身气功兴趣小组和新的年轻活动成员。Over the past 30 years, under itssupport and guidance, the nationalHealth Qigong movement of theQigong Shi Ba Shi Association hasflourished, attracting many newHealth qigong interest groups andnew young active members.
- 按2016年统计,共有180健身气功站点和20000 活动成员在新加坡全国到处每天集体操练健身气功,获得新加坡政府、社区领袖和居民的高度赞扬。According to the statistics in 2016, a total of 180Qigong sites and 20,000 active members arepracticing Health Qigong every day in Singapore,which is highly praised by the Singaporegovernment, communityleaders andresidents.
- More than 2,000 people in Singaporehave participated in the World HealthQigong day for two consecutive years,making the world fully aware of theextensive promotion of Qigong inSingapore.
- 新加坡连续两年世界健身气功日超过2000人的集体展示,让全世界都充分感受到新加坡健身气功的广泛开展。
- 2005年新加坡气功十八式协会与中国健身气功协会开始合作;2009年开始筹备成立国际健身气功联合会;2012年新加坡气功十八式协会加入国际健身气功联合会。这些活动中,刘夫容先生都在其中起到了积极的作用。In 2005, Qigong Shi Ba Shi Association and CHQA started to cooperate.In 2009, theestablishment of IHQF was prepared; In2012, Qigong Shi Ba Shi Association joined IHQF. Mr. Low had played an active role in all those activities.
- As a member of the Executive Board for two consecutive terms, he made full use of hisspeciality on bilingual Chinese and English,familiar with the association rules/meetingprocedures, to make suggestions for thedevelopment of the international HealthQigong career with an open mind.
- 作为连续两届当选的执委,他充分利用自己中英双语、熟悉社团章程/会议程序的特长以及开放的心态,为国际健身气功事业的发展出谋划策。
- He often shared the latestinformation and work developmentissues of IHQF and CHQA for theadvancement of Qigong in QigongShi Ba Shi Association, focused ontraining new members, encouragemembers to actively participate ininternational and localHealth qigongcompetition, toenhance the knowledgeand sense ofaccomplishmentof members.
- 他经常分享国际气联和中气协的最新讯息和工作发展事宜给气功十八式协会,注重培养新人,鼓励会员们积极参加国际和本地健身气功比赛,以增进会员们的见识和成就感。
- He also made full use of the newtechnology to share the goodpractices of Singapore throughmutual greetings and encouragement,and encouraged the IHQF memberorganizations to strengthencommunication and establish goodrelations with each other.
- 他还充分利用新的科技手段,通过相互问候和鼓励的方式分享新加坡健身气功好的做法,并鼓励国际气联的协会成员加强交流建立彼此间的良好关系。
- He was so friendly toeveryone and strict withhimself. As a member of theExecutive Board, he hadnever been absent fromthe EB meeting, and hadbeen active in almost all themajor activities of IHQF.
- “故人不可见,汉水日东流。”他对所有人都那么友善,对自己则要求很严格。作为执委,从来不缺席执委会,并且几乎在所有国际气联的大型活动中,我们都能见到他活跃的身影。
- 2018年2月在中国廊坊举行的执委会,当时他身体已经有些不适,但全天连续超过十小时的会议,他全程参与积极发言,并且做了认真的会议记录。At the EB meeting held in Langfang,China in February 2018, he was notfeeling well at that time, but heattended the meeting for more thanten hours in a row throughout the day.He actively participated in the wholeprocess and made careful minutes.
- 会后,他热切期望到国际总部参观。当他到达后,连声说“我回家了,回家了。”兴奋之情溢于言表,那是一种将健身气功事业全身心融入后才能有的真挚情感。After the meeting, he was eager to visitIHQF Head Office. When he arrived, hesaid, "I'm home, I'm home." His excitementwas palpable. It was a genuine emotionthat could only be achieved after he tookthe Health Qigong career as part of his life.
- "Life and death, two boundless,it's unforgettable."The spirit of "Unity" that Mr. Lowhad been advocating, willpermanently inspire us to workhard together for the developmentof the international Health Qigong!Mr. Low, well done,cheers, cheers, cheers!
- 国际气联总部办公室IHQF Head Office
- “生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。”刘先生一直倡导的“团结”精神,将永久激励我们,共同为了国际健身气功事业的发展继续努力!刘先生,您太棒了,为您喝彩,加油!