CbD 上海5.20泥泞跑开始报名啦!

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运动不止于梦想,You only live once!5月5日截止报名~
  • 泥泞跑 - CbD战队招募令
    X-Mudder CbD Gathering

  • 上海 Shanghai
  • 草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。伴随着春天的来临,我们迎来了2018届CBDer的加入,优秀的各位的加入为公司注入了新的活力,为帮助大家适应新环境,结识新同事,我们特地举办Shanghai Mud Run活动。不论你是专业的跑步运动员,还是业余爱好者,通过参与泥泞跑,都能体会到属于自己的乐趣。运动不止于梦想,You only live once!

  • 2018 CbDer 迎新派对
    2018 Fresher's Party

  • Hello CbDers! Which year are you from?
    Haha, don't be nurvous! No matter in which year you joined our CbD community, you are more than welcome to join our fresher's party on 20th May in Shanghai Mud Run and bring your friends!

  • 2018 CbDer 迎新派对
    2018 Fresher's Party

  • X-Mudder泥泞障碍赛是国内原创的赛事IP。史克浪体育原创的赛事IP—X-Mudder泥泞障碍赛(曾用名泥泞跑)由特种兵训练得来灵感,于2015年在北京开启了第一场赛道长十公里、关卡数十九个的障碍赛,吸引了一千多人报名参赛;2016年在全国三个城市五场赛事中累计两万人参赛;2017年全国五个城市六场比赛累计五万人参赛;每场比赛吸引到央级电波媒体、平媒及社交媒体曝光,加上赛事自媒体及粉丝社群口碑传播和UGC的二次传播,赛事传播累计触达一亿人次。三年来,赛事吸引到包括奥迪、脉动、腾讯、雅居乐、暴雪、卡宾、爱普生、北极泉等顶级赞助商。

  • 泥泞跑是什么?
    Introduction of Mud Run
  • 参赛要求
    Application Requirements
  • (一)参赛选手年龄要求:

    16周岁至60周岁 / 1958年1月1日(含)- 2002年12月31日(含)出生。



    (四)未满 16周岁(以参加比赛的日期为准)的非注册专业运动员必须根据本人的生理、心理及运动能力等实际情况由监护人向赛事组委会提出申请,待批准后方可参赛










  • 参赛要求
    Application Requirements
  • (1) Age requirements of the Mud Run:
    Age from 16 to 60  - From January 1, 1958 (inclusive) to December 31st 2002 (inclusive).

    (2) Public who love outdoor activities, sports and athletes who are capable of completing the whole course are welcome to join the competition.

    (3) All athletes are required to complete the registration form before participate in the competition; athletes should first understand and agree the contents of the exemption agreement before signing up.

    (4) Non-registered professional athletes who are under 16 age (according to the date of the competition) must apply to the Organizing Committee according to his actual physical, psychological and athletic ability by their guradian, and can only participate in the competition after the approval.

    (5) Physical condition requirements of the contestants:
    People with the following conditions should not participate in the competition:
    1. Congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease;
    2. Hypertension and cerebrovascular disease;
    3. Myocarditis and other heart diseases;
    4. Coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmia;
    5. Hyperglycemia or too low diabetes;
    6. Get a cold within two weeks before the day of the competition.
    7. Other diseases that are not suitable for exercise;
    8. Pregnant woman.
  • Mud Run 活动地址
    Mud Run Location
  • 5th May 2018
  • Registration Fee: 299 RMB
    CbD YOLO T-shirt:  40 RMB
  • Shanghai Jiabei Country Park
  • 20th May 2018
  • Mud Run
  • 活动项目 Acitivity

    活动日期 Date

    地点 Location

    价格 Price

    Application Deadline

    Apply Here:

  • 活动信息
  • Special thanks to Ziyang Zhang for the logo design!
  • 活动发起人
    Li Yu
    Wang Li
    Liu Bo
    Du MingYing
    Huang XiaoYi