- I remembered that is wonderful as soon as flickers:Appeared you in mine front,Some like appears briefly fantasy,Has like the chaste America’s angel.
- 泰戈尔的诗
- 我记得那美妙的一瞬,在我的面前出现了你,有如昙花一现的幻想,有如纯洁至美的精灵。
- In that hopeless sad suffering,Makes noise in that in ostentatious life puzzle,Nearby my ear for a long time is making a sound your gentlesound,I also see your lovable beautiful figure in the sleep.
- 在那无望的忧愁的折磨中,在那喧闹的浮华生活的困扰中,我的耳边长久地响着你温柔的声音,我还在睡梦中见到你可爱的倩影。
- Many years have passed by, storm smileHas scattered the former days dream,Thereupon I have put behind your gentle sound,
- 许多年过去了,暴风骤雨般的激情。驱散了往日的梦想,于是我忘却了你温柔的声音,还有你那天仙似的的倩影。