- 微信群聊
- Computer Programming
- Operting System
- Computer Software
- The Fundamentals Of Computers
- 66666…
- The Internet and the Word Wide Web
- The Internet and the Word Wide Web
- Computer Hardware
- Operating system
- Local Area Network
- Databases
- Computer Software
- Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet.云计算是基于互联网的相关服务的增加、使用和交付模式,通常涉及通过互联网来提供动态易扩展且经常是虚拟化的资源。
- Unit 1
- IEEEsuper computer巨型机minicomputer小型机mainframe主型机personal computer个人电脑work station工作站terminal终端
- Dialogne summary
- When we buying a New Notebook Computer.We should make a cpmp-arison in power, storage capacityweight ,and battery life.And you would better purchase an afforable traditional notebook computer.
- Wearables,consist of clothing and accessories worn close to the body that incorporate computer and advanced electronic technologies.
- Wearable Technology
- Unit 2
- Notes
- GUI:Graphical User Interface图形用户接口URL:Unifiad Resource Locator统一资源定位器GPS:Global Position System全球定位系统
- dual-core processor 多核处理器binary 二进制octal 八进制decimal 十进制hexadecimal 十六进制parallel port 并口serial port 并口
- Cloud Software is delivered on demand via the Web to wherever the user is at the moment,provided he or she has an Internet connection(and has paid to use the software if a payment is required).
- Unit 3
- Notes:ASP:Access Service Point服务访问点ICP:Internet Cntent Provider互联网内容提供商ISP:Internet Service Provider互联网服务提供商VOD:Vodio On Demand 视频点播(AOD音频点播)compiler 编译器compiling 编译assembler汇编器assembling汇编技术asynchronize同步synchronus异步
- 双击此处进行编辑
- The operating system is the interface between the user and the computer, but also the interface between computer hardware and other software.
- Unit 4
- capability功能pervalence 流 行
- duplicable 可复制 console 控制台bootable 可引导 的
- folder 夹材料文件夹clip 回形针
- 电脑类型:personal conputer 个人电脑notebook 笔记本palm computer 掌上电脑laptop 膝上型电脑desktop 台式机tablet 平板电脑
- Unit 5
- 卡片
- Computer Programming
- Notes
- base on 基于across platform 跨平台upline在线通讯录submit 提交approval 批准,申批distribution 销售权利moniter 台式电脑屏幕compile编译
- logic error逻辑错误sour code 源代码software development kit(SDK)软件开发工具procedures 过程
- The database is the warehouse according to the data structure to organize, store and manage data, it is produced in the more than and 60 years ago, with the development of information technology and market, especially after 1990s, the data management is not only the storage and management of data, it is transformed into data management needs of the way.
- Unit 6
- 0401
- 2017
- Database (数据库):A collection of related date that is stored in a manner enabling,information to be retrieved as needed(一组相关的数据存储方式,使得信息检索的需要)Primary key(主键):A small table containing a pri-mary key and the location of the record belonging to the key;used to locate records in a database(包含主键的小表和属于该键的记录的位置;用于定位数据库中的记录。)Query(查询):A request to see information from a database that matches specific criteria(从数据库中查找符合特定条件的信息的请求)进行编辑
- The LAN is in a local geogr-aphic range (such as a school, factory and internal organs), usually within a radius of sev-eral thousand meters, all kinds of computer peripheral equip-ment, computer communicati-on network and database connected to each other.
- Unit 7
- ARPANET --assumptions:The network itself was unreliable,so it had to be able to overcome its own unreliability; All computers on the network would be equal in their ability to communicate with other network computers.
- Unit 8
- 通过这八章的总结,我们更加懂得计算机英语是需要慢慢积累的。同时也发现其实用性很强,希望我们在今后的学习中可以更加认真去学好这门课程。