众志成城武汉加油 预防战胜病毒宣传
- Pretreat/prevent/new/type/crown/shape/disease/poison
- Salute to the medical staff on the front line!
- Salute to the medical staff on the front line!
- The 2019 novel coronavirus, known as the "2019-ncov" ,was identified in the wuhan viral pneumonia case in 2019 and was named by the world health organization on January 12,2020.Corona viruses are a large family of viruses known to cause cold sand more serious illnesses such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).The novel corona virus is a news train of coronavirus that has never been found in humans before.
- Salute to the medical staff on the front line!
- The incubation period
- Based on current epidemiological investigations, the onset incubation period of novel coronavirus pneumonia is generally3-7days.
- Vulnerable groups
- People of all ages can be infected ,with older and sicker people appearing to be more susceptible.
- It is spread mainly by coughing or sneezing droplets . Most cases are still associated with direct contact.
- Routeof transmission
- Salute to the medical staff on the front line!
Raw food is cooked through .Avoid contact with wild animals .Do not hunt ,sell or buy game.
Careful to eat
Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze . If you don't have a tissue or hand kerchief ,bury your nose and mouth in your elbow.
Cover nose and mouth
Do not contact with cold or cough patients without protective measures.
Heavy isolation
- Salute to the medical staff on the front line!
- With all due respect ,I look forward to your early return
Salute the rebellious
- Salute to the medical staff on the front line!
- Working together toover come the epidemicWe are together!!!
- Salute to the medical staff on the front line!
- Come onwuhan!Go China!
Victory over the outbreak