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  • 2017年3月18日-25日
  • 航班信息:

  • 转机时的土耳其航空VIP休息室,刷登机牌即可进入。
    • 行李直达,转机时不用管。
    • 行李额均30公斤/人。
    • 转机时,商务舱乘客,可享受伊斯坦布尔机场贵宾休息室。
    • 机场有换汇的窗口,但汇率比城里高
    • 入境时会发一张有签证信息的卡片,不再在护照上盖章了,留好卡片。
    • 入境时可携带本币、外币现金、支票、信用卡或以色列国债券,不限金额,没有上限。
    • 安检时间长,回京时请提前3小时到机场。
  • 安检信息:

  • Ha-Yarkon St 99, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 63432
    +972 3 520 2525
  • 酒店信息:3月18日-22日
  • King David 23, Jerusalem, 94101
    +972 2 620 8888
  • 酒店信息:3月22日-25日
  • 17:00-18:00
  • 13:00-15:00
    午餐、去丹恩酒店Dan Tel Aviv Hotel
  • 18:00-21:00
  • 15:00-17:00
  • 11:35
    抵达特拉维夫 本古里安机场。
  • 3月18日星期六安息日
  • 18:00-21:00
    【分享】戴文建---56 QQ(物流QQ货车帮)创始人及总经理
  • 17:00-18:00
  • 13:00-14:00
    讲师:Prof Yoav Yair
  • 9:00-12:00
    讲师:Yoav Shoham
    地点:Beit Yannai海滩别墅
  • 15:00-17:00

  • 12:00-13:00
  • 7:00
  • 3月19日星期日
  •     目前大多数脑功能监测系统都需要感应器植入患者头部,而ElMindA的BNA系统则是用一个外形前卫、内带感应器的“头盔”来进行监测。该设备带有几十个电极,通过头骨来测量大脑活动。
  •     生物技术企业ElMindA被世界经济论坛评为全球49家最具创新能力的初创企业之一,该公司研发了世界首款获美国食品与药物管理局许可的神经功能监测工具。
  • 介绍
  • 15:00-17:00【外出拜访】ElmindA

  • 18:00-21:00
    【分享】胡海泉---巨匠传媒集团&巨匠基金 董事长
  • 17:00-18:00
  • 13:00-14:00
    讲师:Prof Avishay Galyam
  • 9:00-12:00
    讲师:Ehud Shapiro
    地点:Weizmann,Rechovog 1.5h
  • 15:00-17:00
    【外出拜访】Space Pharma

  • 12:00-13:00
  • 7:00
  • 3月20日星期一
  • 介绍
  • 15:00-17:00【外出拜访】Space Pharma

  • 收拾行李,第二天搬到耶路撒冷的大卫王酒店(King David Jerusalem Hotel)
  • 17:00-21:00
    GMIC VIP Welcome dinner
  • 12:30-14:00 带书
    讲师:Prof Saul Singer
  • 9:00-12:00
    讲师:Dan Shechtman,诺贝尔奖得主
  • 15:00-17:00
    讲师:Avishai Nandelbaum

  • 12:00-12:30
  • 7:00
  • 3月21日星期二
  • 21:00后

  • 9:00-17:00
    GMIC 全球科学创新大会
  • 18:00-21:00
    After Party
  • 7:00
  • 3月22日星期三
  • 22:00
  • 13:30-16:30
  • 9:00-12:00
    讲师:Nadav Katz
  • 18:00-20:00

  • 12:00-13:00
  • 7:00
  • 3月23日星期四 正装
  • 收拾行李,明天回京
  • 18:30-21:00
  • 9:00-13:00
    讲师:Miriam Haran
  • 13:30-18:00
  • 7:00
  • 3月24日星期五
  • 22:05起飞
    00:35抵达伊斯坦布尔 阿塔图尔克机场


  • 9:00-18:00
  • 18:00
    特拉维夫 本古里安机场
  • 7:00
  • 3月25日星期六 安息日
  • Robin在两会上谈人工智能:

    I note that in the focus of the "Government Work Report" in 2017, the Prime Minister has indeed talked about the use of innovation to lead the transformation and upgrading of the real economy, which also speaks a few paragraphs. This is basically what I am familiar with the content, such as large data, cloud computing, the Internet, artificial intelligence and so on. In fact, I feel great after reading, because the innovation of the whole country seems to mean that the Internet-related technology, the entire real economy also need to rely on the help of these technologies to achieve transformation and upgrading. In fact, we all know that China's Internet penetration has exceeded 50%, more than 700 million Internet users, the number of Internet users after the growth rate will not be so fast. In the past, we see that Internet companies have so much performance growth, in fact, is largely dependent on the demographic dividend, but the future will not be the case. The development of the country, transformation and upgrading depends on the Internet, and when the demographic dividend is gone, the Internet's own development by what? My own conclusion is to rely on artificial intelligence.

    Artificial intelligence The significance of this revolution is likely to be beyond the Internet. I also clearly remember that about 5-6 years ago, the first time I saw the "government work report" mentioned the word "Internet" when I am excited about how much. Because in this "government work report", often referred to is the telecommunications reform, information of these words, and we feel that the Internet will be much greater than the meaning of telecommunications reform, but did not mention, until one day " Internet "was written in the" government work report ". This year's "government work report" for the first time referred to the "artificial intelligence" the word, I think its significance is also comparable to the original "Internet" the first time into the "government work report" when the meaning. Why is that so?
  • Including the word "Internet of Things" that we see, and it was mentioned very early in the Government Work Report. But to be honest, these things have not developed the Internet, why? At first we think that the so-called Internet of Things, is any one item, as long as there is an IP address, let it even the Internet, you can become intelligent. In fact, this is not the case, just the Internet, the data can be returned, there is no intelligence at all. How can it be smart? How can it be the same thing as the past? It is necessary to let these things and people can communicate freely. In other words, it is necessary to let these things, let these tools to understand people, which requires artificial intelligence technology. We speak "natural language understanding", that is, no matter what you say, things can understand. What is the biggest difference between humans and animals? That is, humans will use the tools. But for so many years, mankind invented the tools, in the use of time to give a manual, tell you how to use in the end. For the computer, you have to learn to hit the keyboard, and the keyboard on the ABCD is not put together. Refrigerator Ye Hao, color TV Ye Hao, holding the remote control to change Taiwan, but for many people, this is a great burden. What will happen later? People just talk to the object on it. No matter what kind of tool, have to talk to it, I want it why it is doing. So such a change will be almost I can think of every industry to produce subversive changes.

    So I am also very, very optimistic, because the revolution in artificial intelligence will bring great changes to the whole human society. And in the study of artificial intelligence, in fact, China is not behind, I can not say a few, but the number is yes. So we have a good mechanism, we have big data, we also have a lot of good talent, I think the future of China will be able to get a very big income.
  • Robin 在两会谈民营企业参与科研创新:

    Private enterprises of science and technology innovation capacity is better than state-owned enterprises, private enterprises to science and technology faster and more benefits to more people

    I think there are some prejudices in this. Private enterprises in the ability to innovate, I think it is not bad, it should be worse than the state-owned enterprises. I have seen in the past "government work report" mentioned in the country's R & D spending accounted for the proportion of our GDP, about 2.5%. In the central enterprises, R & D costs accounted for their total revenue accounted for only a little bit, is lower than the national average. In private enterprises, such as enterprises such as Baidu, we are almost the past two years, R & D costs accounted for about 15% of total revenue, is very high. So do not think that private enterprises is short of sight, just look at the immediate interests, but not long-term interests, do not want to invest in research and development. It is not like this, I think this is prejudice.

    Secondly, if we let us and some research institutions than the words, our R & D capabilities in many areas is also unique. This summer, I am in the United States Silicon Valley and some friends in the industry to eat and chat, including a Stanford professor, is also the study of artificial intelligence, he at the dinner table and we said: Now we have not studied the academic depth of learning, we know the depth Learning is the most popular sub-area of artificial intelligence, and he says they have not studied the depth of learning, because the study, but the industry. He said that in the industry, on the one hand you have a lot of data, on the other hand R & D funding is far more than academia, so that in fact, in the industry,  translated into the domestic language is that these private enterprises, similar to the depth Learning such areas, these aspects are still very advantageous. So, I think the private enterprises Ye Hao, state-owned enterprises Ye Hao, universities or research institutions Ye Hao, have their own good place, so that private enterprises to participate in the national engineering laboratory research work, and even lead to do the work, I think Are the right, I also feel that the country has made a correct decision.

  • Like the enterprise to do research and development, or very pragmatic, you ask how well the results of research can benefit people's livelihood, I think this is an advantage of private enterprises, private enterprises do these things, not to do research and research, But to think about this thing in the future can not be recognized and used by the market? We do technology and scientists are not the same, scientists may want to figure out the world only five people can figure out the problem, but the people who do technology is hoping to make a thing, so that the world has 500 million, 50 100 million people can benefit from it, this is our ideal. So I think that a lot of technology in the hands of private enterprises may be able to promote to the market faster, more early to benefit more people.

    I have heard the first two questions are about the old age, in fact, technology in this regard can do a lot of things. For example, we can do a "companion robot", and now the technology has been able to do: let the robot tell me a joke, it will tell you a joke; ask how the weather tomorrow, it can tell you the temperature is How many degrees, how much wind, PM2.5 is how much, a lot of simple requirements it can meet. But to do as the current live video broadcast Meng who ability, there may be a certain distance, but the general needs have been able to do. This is only a simple example, in fact, in the past few years, many of my CPPCC proposals are about how to use technology to benefit people's livelihood, such as how the traffic lights in the design of its time more reasonable, to solve Congestion; how the lost children through the face recognition technology to find, and even after many years can also find and so on. In short, I think technology in the hands of private enterprises can play a greater role. Thank you.
  • 以色列当地风俗

    • 周五晚上到周六晚上是犹太教安息日,商店超市车站都关门,提前买好水
    • 游览宗教圣地时,不要穿短裤。
    • 处处安检,随身的包里不要带奇怪的东西。 
    • 某些地点是禁止摄影和拍照的,注意警示标记。安息日一定不要请犹太人拍照。
    • 普遍会说英语,不要问“Do you speak English”。
    • 小费:餐厅---餐费的10%,司机/导游2-5美元。

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  • 哭墙,也叫西墙

  • 耶路撒冷 必游景点
  • 橄榄山

  • 耶路撒冷 必游景点
  • 圣母教堂

  • 耶路撒冷 必游景点
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