- Greeting Card
From Wuxi Deep-Protection Textile&Science Co.,Ltd
- Dear Friends:
On this special day,please let me send my best wishes to you through this beautiful card!
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Although we have never met,my wishes are sincere and hope things are going all right with you!
- Friends
- We only have a small desire
When you need fire retardant products,you could remember us at the first time.
- Don't forget us...
Wuxi Deep-Protection Textile Science&Technology Co.,Ltd. is a private textile company.It is mainly committed to the development and sale of high-tech products in the textile industry.The main products are:aramid yarn(Nomex),aramid textiles(fabrics,accessories,clothing,etc.),modacrylic yarn,modacrylic fabric and all kinds of aramid blended,modacrylic blended textiles.The fabrics are woven byToyota air-jet loom.They are featherless and high quality in the leading position in the industry.They can be customized according to customer requirement.
- From:Gloria