- 每 月 精 选贵 宾 专 享
- 露 芙 珠 宝下午茶品鉴邀请函
- About Novel Fine Jewelry
- Novel Fine Jewelry is a luxury jewelry brand for the discerning client that can appreciate high quality, artistic designs and also recognize long-term investment potential. Our heritage stretches back more than ninety years in the diamond and gemstone trade. As a result of our decades of experience, we have a unique perspective on jewelry, one that perfectly suits the objectives of sophisticated jewelry buyer.
- 珠宝奢侈品牌露芙珠宝,专为长期投资艺术高级珠宝的高品位人士服务。公司经过九十余年钻石及宝石贸易领域的积累,以一流鉴赏能力为客户甄选完美宝石。 同时致力于将名贵珠宝与大师设计完全结合,打造别具匠心的经典作品。
- 五月精选珠宝彩钻魅力它比春天还闪耀,春天总是给人五彩斑斓的感觉。美好的五月让我们相约露芙珠宝上海沙龙展厅。甄选3款珠宝,意想不到的价格,邀请您共品茶点与观赏美轮美奂的钻石珠宝。
- Pierre-Armand FIEVET, began his career in the diamond industry 2 years agoand develop his real passion andskill-set with the fancy color diamond.Pierre-Armand joined the Novel FineJewelry company in November 2016 as a Partner.
- Pierre and Novel
- 两年前,Pierre-Armand Fievet初涉钻石行业,此后他对彩钻倾注了极大的热情,并积极提升自己对彩钻的专业知识与能力。Pierre-Armand 于2016年11月加入露芙珠宝,成为露芙珠宝的合伙人。
- Pierre 与露芙珠宝
- 祖母绿黄钻戒指
- 露 芙 精 选 推 荐
- 蓝宝石戒指优雅经典
- 露 芙 精 选 推 荐
- 露 芙 精 选 推 荐
- 经典梨形黄钻戒指
- 一边享受下午茶一边欣赏美钻,更多优惠价格详细介绍请预约Pierre Armand FIEVET135 2461 4127
- 露芙珠宝沙龙
- Address:Room 1709,ShangHai Times Square Office TowerNo.93 Huaihai Middle Road,HuangPu Dist,Shanghai地址:上海市黄浦区淮海中路93号大上海时代广场办公室楼1709室