EF Phoenixes Officer Election

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Welcome to visit EF-phoenixes & enjoy Officer Election. Leadership is service! @和平西桥 | 周六10-12 am
  • @和平西桥 | 每周六10-12 am

  • EF Phoenixes 

    Toastmasters Club


  • Service and Leadership

  • Have you ever wanted to be a leader in some aspects 

    in your career or schooldays? 

    Please think back, what’s the key in your mind at that 

    time as a leader? 




    Those words were what I thought the most important 

    unless I ran for the officers of EF Phoenixes TMC!


    However, every past officer in this club will tell you: 

    Actually, it is Servicing. 

    That is to provide what the individual members 

    need in this club to grow up, to gain.

  • Part I: The regular club meeting

  • I sincerely want to invite all the friends come 

    to this meeting to do some sharing. 

    It’s far from enough to just know the word. 

    Maybe stories sharing will help some of us to 

    continue a better leadership practice in the 

    future career. 

    Waiting for you! 

    Expecting your voice!

  • It comes! One of the most important event every 

    half year. Officer Election!

    Your voice counts! Every member is a master 

    of the club. 

    Now it’s the time to vote for whom you think 

    the most suitable to help the club and members’ 

    growth in the next term.

    Let’s get to know who will run for the officers!

  • Part II: Officer Election of the upcoming term.

  • Jack Gou:



  • President Candidates

  • Amber Zhang:

    "To explore more possibility!"

  • VPE Candidates

  • Michael Xu:

    "I always serve my club, 

    Yes, when I am needed"

  • VPM Candidates
  • Amanda Guan:

    “Stay Hungry, 

    Keep Moving!”

  • VPPR Candidates

  • April Tang:

    “There's nothing would 

    knock me down, 

    if there is one, 

    I will 

    take a break and 

    come back 

    with twice stronger.”

  • VPPR Candidates

  • Candy Yang:

    “I am ready for the position and 

    will spare no efforts for my work!”

  • Secretary Candidates

  • Crystal Sun:


     are never lost; 

    someone will take

     the ones you miss.”

  • Treasurer Candidates

  • Nova Ma:

    “I can do it!  

    Trust me 


    support me!”

  • SAA Candidates

  • 时间:2016年6月18日上午10:00-12:00


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