Beijing Innovation Tour 2018
The Asian Banker Beijing Innovation Tour 2018. Financial innovation in action.
- 中文
- Financial innovation in action
- Innovation TourChina·Beijing
- BaiduBringing AI to life
Beijng Innovation Tour 2018
Meet the Future
Meet the Future
Beijng Innovation Tour 2018
- DiDi Chuxingthe ride-sharinggiant of China
2018 Beijng Innovation Tour
Meet the Future
- JD.COMChina's second largeste-commerce firm
Meet the Future
Beijng Innovation Tour 2018
- Meituan-DianpingChina's largestservice-focusede-commerce platform
Beijng Innovation Tour 2018
Meet the Future
- Beijing ZhongguancunSoftware Park Incubator
- AiBank
Beijng Innovation Tour 2018
Meet the Future
- CreditEase
- China Construction BankBeijing Product Innovation Laboratory
Beijng Innovation Tour 2018
- Learning customer experience
- E-commerce and futuristic ideals
- Bank innovation labs
- Baidu's strategy for AI
- Big data and analytics technologies
- Innovative culture and ecosystem
- Key Focus Areas
- We will visit >>>
Beijng Innovation Tour 2018
- Who ShouldAttend
- Chairmen, senior and chief executives,decision-makers, innovators, and investorsin financial institutions and start-ups.
- Dinner
- DiDi ChuxingLeveraging big databecame the ride-sharing giant of China
- Beijing Zhongguancun SPIChina’s Silicon Valley -Beijing ZhongguancunSoftware Park Incubator
- Lunch
- BaiduBringing AI to life
- Welcome breakfast andintroductory session
- 18:00
- 15:30-17:00
- 14:00-15:00
- 12:00-13:30
- 10:00-12:00
- 8:30-9:30
- Day 1 - Monday, 21st May 2018
- AiBankMeeting with an AI-centred direct bank
- 18:00
- Breakfast
- Dinner
- 16:30-17:30
- Meituan-DianpingChina's answer to Yelp,Groupon and Fandango
- Lunch
- CCB Beijing ProductInnovation LaboratoryInnovation of a state-owned commercial bank
- CreditEaseFrom P2P platform to allround wealth manager
- 14:30-15:30
- 12:30-14:00
- 11:30-12:30
- 9:30-11:00
- 8:00-8:30
- Day 2 - Tuesday, 22nd May 2018
- End of programme
- Lunch
- Feedback andconcluding session
- JD.comChina's second largest e-commerce firm after Alibab
- Breakfast
- 14:00
- 12:00-13:30
- 11:30-12:00
- 9:30-11:30
- 8:30-9:30
- Day 3 - Wednesday, 23rd May 2018
- 23rd -25th May 2018, Beijing.
- We cordially invite you to attendThe Asian Banker Summit 2018after the programme.
- Notes:*Prices stated above include all site visits, meetingsand activities, 5 nights' accommodation in the ChinaWorld Hotel and local transfers during the tour. Allbreakfast, lunches and dinners that are part of theprogramme are covered for. Delegates are requiredto organise their own dinners on the evenings wherethere are no programmed activities.* Fees excluded airfare to/from China and visa fees.The Asian Banker can issue a letter of participationto assist in visa application.
- Beijing Innovation Tour &The Future of Finance Summit$8800 / delegate
- Registration
- YES! I'm interested!Tell me more...
- Feel free to contact,Orlanda 6236 6527
- Something wonderfulwill happen in
- 倒计时
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