关于孩子All about me
- Dear parents, Please answer the followingquestions in as much detail as possible as itwill help us to get to know your child andtheir routine. This will in return help him/herto settle in quickly when he/she starts with us.
- 亲爱的家长,请回答如下问题,以帮助我们了解您的孩子及其日常生活,同时,这也能帮助您的孩子尽快适应在幼儿园的学习与生活。
All about me
- 所在班级名称 Which class:
- 孩子的小名 Child’s nick name:
- 孩子的英文名 Child’s English name:
- 孩子的全名 Child’s full name:
- 孩子在家有喂饭习惯吗?Do you need to feed your child at home?
- 有什么食物您不希望孩子食用?请说明Are there any foods you would rather we didnot offer your child? Please specify:
- 孩子有什么饮食习惯,请说明:Does your child have any dietary requirements? Please specify:
- 孩子在家如何饮用? 杯子/水瓶/其他方式How do they take drinks at home? Beaker/bottle/cup/other,please state:
- 餐饮 Food and drink:
- 孩子有安抚玩具/毯子吗?是专为就寝时间准备的,还是在其他时间也可以使用? Does your child have a comforter? Is this for solely bedtimeor can they have it as?
- 您的孩子有什么入睡习惯吗?如讲故事、喝奶等Does your child have any routine before sleep?
- 如果您的孩子没在规定时间内休息,您希望我们在稍后继续尝试吗?If your child does not sleep at their usual time, would you like us to try later?
- 您的孩子在白天需要休息睡觉吗?Does your child require a daytime sleep?
- 睡觉 Sleep:
- 如果您的孩子仍在使用纸尿裤,您希望孩子在园所如厕时使用厕所吗?If your child is in nappies, would you like us tosit them on a potty at nappy changing times?
- 您的孩子如厕时对成人的依赖程度如何?孩子会自己要求去如厕吗?How reliable is your child with their toileting?Do they ask to go?
- 您的孩子有接受过如厕训练吗?Is your child potty trained?
- 您的孩子是否还在使用纸尿片?Is your child still wears nappies?
- 如厕 Nappy and Toileting
- 您的孩子闹情绪时,有什么东西可以安抚他?Is there any thing can calm your child downwhen he/she is upset?
- 您的孩子不喜欢什么?Is there anything your child does not like?
- 您的孩子喜欢做什么/和什么一起玩?What does your child enjoying doing/playingwith?
- 请描述您孩子的个性Please describe your child’s personality.
- 额外信息Additional information
- 有其他信息您认为应该让我们知晓的吗?Is there anything else you feel we shouldknow about your child?
- 您的孩子与谁一起生活?Who does your child normally live with?
- 请告知我们您家庭的情况?结婚的/离异的/单身的/继父母/监护人等。(我们不会讨论/泄露您的信息)Please can you tell us your family situation? Married, divorced, separated, step parents, civil partner etc. (We respect your privacy.)
- 额外信息Additional information
ECNU Zhixu Kindergarten
- 我们相信良好的沟通和对您孩子的更多了解能为孩子带来更好的看护。您随时都可以与我们讨论您的孩子和他/她的需求。At ECNU Zhixu we believe that goodcommunication makes good childcare and the more we know about your child the better we can look after him/her. Please beassured that we are always available todiscuss your child and their needs.