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  • 安徽工业大学计算机科学与技术学院


  • 安徽工业大学计算机科学与技术学院网络与通信青年论坛旨在营造良好的学术科研氛围,搭建学术科研交流平台,加强学院青年教师与国内外优秀青年学者学术交流与合作。
  • 论坛概要
  • A Distributed Learning Framework for Multi-Access Edge Computing in Beyond 5G Networks
  • A Sample Efficient Model-based Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm with Experience Replay for Robot Manipulation
  • Collaborative Intelligence and Internet of Vehicles
  • A Near-optimal Protocol for the Subset Selection Problem in RFID Systems
  • Intelligent Networking for Post-disaster Scenarios
  • WiFi-懂你的心跳与微笑
  • Resource allocation for 6DoF video streaming
  • 08:00 - 08:40 刘志   
  • 15:50 - 16:30 陈先福
  • 15:10 - 15:50 张成
  • 14:30 - 15:10 策力木格
  • 10:00 - 10:40 王修君
  • 08:40 - 09:20 谷雨   
  • 12.29 
  • 09:20 -10:00   王潇岩
  • 报告目录
  • Zhi Liu received the B.E., in computer science and technology from the University of Science and Technology of China, China and Ph.D. degree in informatics in National Institute of Informatics, Japan. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Shizuoka University and an adjunct researcher at Waseda University, Japan.  Before working in Shizuoka University, he was an Assistant Professor at Waseda University and a JSPS research fellow in National Institute of Informatics. He was the recipient of the IEEE StreamComm2011 best student paper award, VTC2014-Spring Young Researchers Encouragement Award, 2015 IEICE Young Researcher Award and ICOIN18 best paper award. His research interest includes wireless networks, video/image processing and transmission.
  • Video streaming plays a very important by enabling the on-line meeting, education and many other applications during the pandemic. However, the current on-line education/meeting/working applications are 2D video based, which do not allow users to select viewing angle, thus highly impeding the education and working efficiency. This problem can be solved by immersive video (e.g. VR/360 video, volumetric video), as it allows users to freely select any preferred viewing angle of the scene and thus provides them immersive viewing experience. This talk focuses on 6DoF video streaming. The challenges and the solutions are discussed.

  • 报告主题: Resource allocation for 6DoF video streaming

  • 刘志
  • 邀请嘉宾
  • 谷雨,博士,教授,博士生导师,情感计算与先进智能机器安徽省重点实验室副主任。先后访问微软亚洲研究院和日本筑波大学,历任日本JSPS研究员和日本国立情报学研究所特任研究员。在高水平国际期刊及会议上发表论文60余篇,谷歌学术引用1000余次。主持国家自然科学基金、军委科技委、科技部重点研发计划子课题等10余项。历任40多个国际会议程序委员会委员,IEEE Access杂志副主编。
  • 当前以机器人为代表的智能产品(设备)越来越多地渗透到各领域,其智能感知能力是该新兴产业面临的重大难题,破解的关键是让机器人具有模拟人类多模态感知能力。本项研究聚焦复杂场景下人类细粒度行为与多维度情感感知这一老人看护、智能家居、智慧医疗等诸多领域的重大共性关键技术,旨在突破当前机械式人机交互掣肘、营造“自然”人机交互环境。拟推动无源感知与情感计算领域交叉,提出“无源行为感知-行为情感建模-多模态情感计算”研究体系,开拓无源感知驱动情感计算交叉方向,完成行为识别与情感计算方向的自然交叉和技术跨越:感知设备从有源到无源,感知空间从小局部到大范围、感知粒度由粗糙到细致;计算对象从个体到场景、计算维度从离散到连续、计算难度从简单到复杂,满足公共安全、智能家居、智慧医疗等诸多领域对“行为-情感透明感知空间”的迫切需求。

  • 报告主题: WiFi-懂你的心跳与微笑

  • 谷雨
  • 邀请嘉宾
  •  A major disaster would damage the communication infrastructure severely, which results in further chaos and loss in the disaster stricken area. Rapid restoration of wireless/mobile communications is one of the most critical issues for disaster response. Wireless multi-hop networking by deploying low-cost relays is a promising solution to effectively extending the network services to people in the disrupted areas after largescale disasters occurred. In this talk, we discuss the following three great important issues in disaster response networking. First, how to accurately estimate the population distribution after the disaster. Second, how to judiciously place the limited number of relay nodes to maximize the population coverage ratio. Third, how to control the wireless access of user devices smartly and adaptively.

  • 报告主题: Intelligent Networking for Post-disaster Scenarios

  • Xiaoyan Wang (SM) received the BE degree from Beihang University, China, and the ME and Ph. D. from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. He is currently working as an associate professor with the Graduate School of Science and Engineering at Ibaraki University, Japan. Before that, he worked as an assistant professor at National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan, from 2013 to 2016. His research interests include intelligent networking, wireless communications, cloud computing, big data systems, security and privacy.   
  • 王潇岩
  • 邀请嘉宾
  •  In many real-time RFID-enabled applications (e.g., logistic tracking and warehouse controlling), a subset of wanted tags is often selected from a tag population for monitoring and querying purposes. How this subset of tags is rapidly selected, which is referred to as the subset selection problem, becomes pivotal for boosting the efficiency in RFID systems. Current state-of-the-art schemes result in high communication latencies, which are far from the optimum, and this degrades the system performance. This problem is addressed in this paper by using a simple Bit-Counting Function $BCF()$, which has also been employed widely by other protocols in RFID systems. In particular,  we first propose a near-OPTimal SeLection protocol, denoted by OPT-SL, to rapidly solve this problem based on the simple function $BCF()$. Second, we prove that the communication time of OPT-SL is near-optimal with rigorous theoretical analysis. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations to verify that the communication time of the proposed OPT-SL is not only near-optimal but also significantly less than that of benchmark protocols.

  • 报告主题: A Near-optimal Protocol for the Subset Selection Problem in RFID Systems

  • Dr. Xiujun Wang got his Ph.D. degree in computer software and theory from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2011. He is currently an associate professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Anhui University of Technology. His research covers diverse grounds in data stream processing and RFID system management, both of which are motivated by many recent applications emerging with Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT). Besides, he is interested in the research that explores lower bounds in communication complexity. He received the best paper award of MSN 2020.
  • 王修君

  • 邀请嘉宾
  • 报告主题: Collaborative Intelligence and Internet of Vehicles

  •  Future Internet of Vehicles systems feature a large number of devices and multi-access environments where different types of communication, computing, and storage resources must be efficiently utilized. It is therefore important to empower future IoV systems with advanced features, such as real-time reactive and proactive cooperation and coordination among different agents (or decision makers), including vehicles, roadside units, base stations, pedestrians, and other entities. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) based approaches have been attracting great interest in empowering computer systems. In IoV systems, collaborative intelligence can be achieved via an efficient collaboration among heterogeneous entities, including vehicles, edges, and cloud. This talk will focus on the technical challenges and the synergistic effect of collaboration among heterogeneous entities and AI in enabling intelligent perception of environment, intelligent networking, and intelligent processing of big data in vehicular IoT systems.

  • Celimuge Wu received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Electro- Communications, Japan in 2010. He is currently an associate professor with the Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications. He is/has been a TPC Co-Chair and a track Co-Chair of many international conferences including VTC2020-Spring, ICCCN 2019 and IEEE PIMRC 2016. He serves as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, China Communications, IEEE Access, Wireless Networks, and so forth. He is the chair of IEEE TCGCC SIG on Green Internet of Vehicles, and IEEE TCBD SIG on Big Data with Computational Intelligence.
  • 策力木格
  • 邀请嘉宾
  • 报告主题: A Sample Efficient Model-based Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm with Experience Replay for Robot Manipulation

  • Reinforcement learning has provided an effective end to end approach in controlling the complicated dynamic system. In this talk, a model-based deep reinforcement learning algorithm, in which a deep neural network model is utilized to simulate the system dynamics, is proposed for robot manipulation. The proposed deep neural network model is robust enough to deal with complex control tasks and possesses the generalization ability. Moreover, a curiosity-based experience replay method is incorporated to solve the sparse reward problem and improve the sample efficiency in reinforcement learning. The agent who manipulates a robotic hand, will be encouraged to explore optimal trajectories according to the failure experience. Simulation experiment results show the effectiveness of proposed method. Various manipulation tasks are achieved successfully in such a complex dynamic system and the sample efficiency gets improved even in a sparse reward environment, as the learning time gets reduced greatly.
  • Cheng ZHANGreceived his Ph.D. degree from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2015. He was a research engineer at Sony Digital Network Applications, Japan and HGST Japan, Inc. He was an assistant professor of Graduate Program for Embodiment Informatics at Graduate School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University. He is currently an assistant professor of Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, Japan.  He received the IEICE Young Researcher's Award in 2013. He is a member of IEICE, IEEE and ACM.
  • 张成
  • 邀请嘉宾
  • 报告主题: A Distributed Learning Framework for Multi-Access Edge Computing in Beyond 5G Networks

  •  To improve the computation qualities of service and experience, multi-access edge computing (MEC) is envisioned as a promising paradigm by providing computing capabilities in close proximity to mobile users (MUs). In addition to local processing, a resource-constrained MU can also offload the computation to resource-rich MEC servers for remote execution. Beyond 5G networks are expected to enhance the 5G capabilities towards the support of seamless wireless connectivity. The trend of merging wireless communications and MEC motivates the investigation of computation offloading in beyond 5G networks. Nevertheless, the design of computation offloading policies remains challenging due to the environmental uncertainties and the limited resource sharing. In this talk, we adopt a multi-agent Markov decision process to formulate the computation offloading problems, for which a distributed learning framework is proposed. We examine the potentials of the proposed distributed learning framework through use case studies.

  • Senior Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. He received his Ph.D. degree with honours at Zhejiang Universit. He was a visiting scholar at University of Houston, USA, and University of Electro-Communications, Japan. He serves as editors for  IEEE TCCN, and served as a Member of the First Editorial Board of Journal of Communications and Information Networks. He has served as the guest editor for several international journals. He is serving and served as a Track Co-Chair and a TPC member for a number of IEEE ComSoc flagship conferences. He is a Vice Chair of IEEE Special Interest Group on Big Data with Computational Intelligence and a Vice Chair of IEEE Special Interest Group on AI Empowered Internet of Vehicles.
  • 陈先福
  • 邀请嘉宾
  • 协办:安徽省计算机学会青工委
  • 承办:安徽省工业互联网智能应用与安全工程实验室
  • 主办:安徽工业大学计算机科学与技术学院

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