In order to serve our Chinese clients to the best of our ability in regard to the German speaking market - which covers a population of over 100 million - , we have expanded our core business service over the time and will continue to do so. Please take note of our list of services.
In order to serve our Chinese clients to the best of our ability in regard to the German speaking market - which covers a population of over 100 million - , we have expanded our core business service over the time and will continue to do so. Please take note of our list of services.
- 中文
- Berlin - Shenzhen - Hong Kong
- Public Relations& Business Consulting
- Business Dictionary
- An advertising technique usedby companies to subtly promotetheir products through a non-traditional technique, usuallythrough appearances in film,television, or other media.
- Public relations help the public tounderstand the company and itsproducts. The work ensures theoverall company has a strongpublic image.Public relations are primarily con-ducted through the media, that is:newspapers, television, magazines,social media, the internet etc.Public Relations are considered asone of the primary activities includ-ed in the promotion of products orservices.
- Public Relations at work
- In our time and age products or servicesdevelops in an unparalleled pace.Alone in China, 2.9 million global patentapplications were filed 2015 - up 7.8%from a year earlier. Exactly, 1,010,406 ofthem came from the mainland, accordingto the World Intellectual Property Organi-zation.The number represents both filings madeby Chinese residents and those fromforeign innovators seeking patent protec-tion in the region.The US came in second in 2015, filingmore than 526,000 applications. Japanfollowed with nearly 455,000. In the sametime period 278,867 filings were register-ed with the European Patent Office.The three top areas of innovation world-wide were computer technology, electricalmachinery, and digital communication.
- Introducing new products or servicesto a foreign market requires specialexpertise regarding culture, languageand the local media market and itsrequirements.After a long period of developmentand financial investment, the finalproduct has to be introduced to theconsumer or distribution/sales part-ner in a short period of time. The ROI(Return of Investment) is a major dri-ving force for a quick market entryand penetration.Our task is to introduce Chinese com-panies and their products to theGerman speaking markets (Germany,Austria & Switzerland).
- Our Focus
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- We guide and consult our partnersin the following:
- Analyzing their product for thesuccessful introduction to themarketGuiding the company to the besttrade fair in the country. We havespecialized our services towardsthe two major international tradefairs in Germany visited by Chinesecompanies: IFA in Berlin and CeBITin HannoverAssisting in the booking of anexhibition booth including bootharchitecture (if required)Planning & organizing press con-ferences, media receptions at thetrade fair booth or congress center,creating an individual press releasefor the media outlets
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- Personal assistance to the CEO andhis team at the exhibition booth,offering translation services in Ger-man and other European languages.For the introduction of new productsand services the development of awebsite in German and other Euro-pean languages is recommended.We also assist you in that.In most cases the integration of so-cial media, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, In-stagram etc. is required. Our teamwill advise you accordingly.For your attendance at trade fairs wealso assist you in the booking of ho-tel rooms and local transportationservices.Our team will assist your companythroughout their stay in Germany,Austria and/or Switzerland.
- In order to serve our Chinese clientsto the best of our ability in regard tothe German speaking market -which covers a population of over100 million, we have expanded ourcore business service over the timeand will continue to do so.Please take note of our list ofservices as follows.
- Our Services
- Special expo service(if required)
- Booth personnel
- Consulting service for Germanyand Switzerland
- Strategic financing
- Start-up consulting
- Strategic business networking inBerlin
- Business networking
- In German language
- E-mail Business cor-respondence text service
- For Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,etc.
- Social media marketingand advertising
- In all European languages
- Development ofBusiness website
- In all European languages
- Sales & Customer CallCenter Service
- Identifying potential business anddistribution partners
- Business services
- Organizing small and large scaleevents in Germany, Austria andSwitzerland
- i.e. booking and building the booth
- Offering services in Germany or otherEuropean languages
- For Chinese Start-ups looking forpartners in Berlin
- Event services
- At International trade fairs in Ger-many, Austria & Swizerland
- Inviting media representatives tothe expo booth or the conferencecenter, hotel
- Organizing press con-ferences and meeting & press releases
- Development ofPR concepts
- Our list of services
- Henri Zix has been educated in Germany, South Africaand the U.S. and has visited South East Asia and Chinasince the year 2000.Henri Zix is a media specialist, having worked fornewspapers, radio and TV stations in Munich, Berlinand Los Angeles.In addition to his work as a journalist, he has beeninvolved in strategic PR consulting for various productsand services.About five years ago he also got involved in the edu-cation of Startup companies regarding marketing andPR.Henri Zix has been consulting Chinese clients inShenzhen since 2014.In order to be available to his Chinese clients, he con-tinuously travels between Berlin, Shenzhen andHong Kong.
- Henri ZixFounder & Director
- Dr. Karl Pilny is considered as one of the most pro-found Asia insiders, knowing the region since 1980.Dr. Pilny has inter alia worked as business attorneyin various law firms in Asia, Europe and the U.S.Dr. Pilny worked for several years in Japan and EastAsia. He has also published a number of noteworthybooks on Asia (in German language), e.g.:"Das asiatische Jahrhundert" (The Asian Century)"Tanz der Riesen" (Dance of the Giants)"Tiger auf dem Sprung" (Tiger on Alert)"Investment Guide Asia"as well as his first two novels:"Japan Inc" and "Korea Inc"Dr. Pilny offers his expertise as an investment advisorand business lawyer and is a specialist in financingand Venture capital, Real Estate, M&A and Assetmanagement.Dr. Pilny works in Berlin and in Zurich
- Dr. Karl PilnyPartner
- Thomas Andersen is a passionate networker. He hasworked for more than 20 years in marketing and salesfor FMCG producers. Since 2004 he is a Startup andGrowth Consultant with a focus on marketing, sales,strategy/business modeling and business matching.His mission: Let the client grow and be happy in thelong run.For over ten years, Thomas Andersen has dedicated hiswork to young Startup companies. As strategy consultant,he leads Startups to growth by good positioning and afuture-oriented product and sales strategy.He regularly holds lectures and workshops at Startupseminars in universities and business associations inBerlin. Thomas is also working as a coach at the CoachingBonus program of the Investitionsbank Berlin and is alsoJuror of the Business plan Competition Berlin-Brandenburg.As a board member of numerous organizations,e.g. the Marketing Club Berlin, the 'Deutscher CrowdsourcingVerband' and the 'Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche' he regularlyhosts business events to introduce outstanding Startupcompanies to the public.
- Thomas AndersenPartner
- Or please send your full name andphone number
- Contact us
- We will keep you updated onthe latest business news andthe expo calendar for Germanyand its German speakingneighbors.If you wish to receive ourupdates, please enter yourWeChat ID here:
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