邀请函 Orientation Invitation
Looking forward to seeing you all at Orientation!
- 邀请函Invitation
- Dear Parents,Welcome come to a new school year!In order to support a smoothtransition from home to school fornew students and to strengthenrelationships with all families, the school will hold Orentation Day onAugust 30th, 2016.We look forward to partnering withyou to create an outstanding team to support each child on their journey of learning.Regards,MHKids Principals
- 向上滑动,查看活动时间及流程Slide to the next page
- 尊敬的家长,您好:新学期马上就要来临,为了能让新生平稳的度过从家庭生活到学校生活的转变,提前熟悉学习环境和老师,让在读生家长对新学期教学计划有所了解,加强家庭之间的联系,我校定于2016年8月30日上午举行家长开放日及迎新生活动。感谢您对我们的支持与理解,期待您的参与!
- 请在读生家长安排好孩子在家的看顾事宜。Returning families should make arrangementsfor child care at home.
- 在读生家庭Returning Families活动时间:9:30 - 10:30Activity Time : 9:30 - 10:30邀请对象:家长People Invited:All Caretakers
- 新生家庭New Families活动时间: 8:30 - 10:30Activity Time : 8:30 - 10:30邀请对象:新生和家长People Invited:New Students andCaretakers
- 活动时间An Invitation for...
- 温馨提示Reminders
- 为了保证学年能顺利进行,我们希望家长能为孩子们准备一些需要使用的物品,并在8月30日亲子活动时候带来幼儿园。我们希望您能为幼儿准备:一顶帽子,标有幼儿名字的防晒霜,一双室内鞋,一张家庭合照,一套标有幼儿名字的替换衣物(内/外)和标有幼儿名字的尿布(如有需要)。All students will need several items tobegin the school year that are to bedropped off on Family Orientation Day.They include:1. a hat2. labeled sunscreen3. indoor shoes4. a family picture5. a labeled change of clothes6. if necessary, labeleddiapers and wipes.
- 活动流程Schedule
- 8:30–9:00新生试穿校服New students try on uniforms.9:00–9:30新生参观教室,熟悉基本的教室活动。New students tour their classroomsand learn some basic activities.9:30–10:00在乐高室里进行PPT演示Family presentation in the Lego Room10:00–10:30家庭之间互相交流Family social
- 活动地址Address
- 地址:上海市闵行区华漕镇金丰路567号Address: No. 567 Jinfeng Road, Huacao Town,Minhang District, Shanghai联系我们/TEL:60913366邮箱/Email:melody@shmhkids.com咨询详情可致电或发送邮件至以上邮箱。For questions or concerns, contact the above.
- RSVP确认参与
- 参与人数
- To RSVP type the your child'sname in the first white boxbelow.Put the number of adultsattending in the second whitebox below, then click the blue button at the bottom of thepage.输入幼儿姓名以及参与人数,点击确认参与,帮助我们确认人数吧。
- Reach for the sky仰望未来