盛夏的果实 主题晚宴
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- 盛夏的果实主题晚宴The Fruit of Summer Themed Dinner
- 锦绣八彩碟Cold dishes泱泱华夏,礼仪之邦。仁义礼智信,礼字就占了一位,可见中华民族对礼仪的尊重。礼仪涉及到方方面面,用餐礼仪也是其中的一项,中餐上菜的顺序先上冷盘,起到开胃的作用。China, as a state of courtesy,the four cardinal virtues humanity, justice, propriety and wisdom, propriety has occupied one place. That involves all aspects, dining etiquette is also one of the importance. Serving the cold dish as first is for appetizing effect.
- 冰镇鲜杨梅Iced Waxberry六月杨梅值千金,采用新鲜采摘的杨梅,让浓浓的梅香在舌尖释放,最是沁人心脾、暑意顿消。In June, waxberry is gold worth. We pick fresh waxberry, letting plum flavor released on tip of the tongue, refreshing and letting the heat gone.
- 荷塘六月黄Steamed Crab
- 荷与蟹的组合寓意是“和谐”,六月黄也就是青少年时期的大闸蟹,出现在江南人的时令表里,立夏之后的短暂蟹季,尽管稚嫩且尚不饱满,但鲜美清甜滋味无以取代。
- Lotus leaf &crab in Chinese means "harmony". This Crab is in period of youth, appeared in the River South’s seasonal table, after the beginning of summer short crab season, although immature and not full, still delicious and sweet.
- 荷与蟹的组合寓意是“和谐”,六月黄也就是青少年时期的大闸蟹,出现在江南人的时令表里,立夏之后的短暂蟹季,尽管稚嫩且尚不饱满,但鲜美清甜滋味无以取代。
- 特色双味拼Salt Baked Chicken and Smoked Chicken in Lotus Leaf古法自制双味鸡,骨香味浓、唇齿留香、风味诱人。The traditional cooking chicken made of baked and smoked, with a strong, fragrant and attractive flavor.
- 菊花酥百合Fried Lily醇甜清香,百合性味甘、微寒,夏暑解渴清火,有养心安神、养颜抗衰之功。The lily, the mild cold, clearing away the summer heat, mental-tranquilization and nourish skin.
- 常州欢迎您Shelled River Shrimp andDry-Braised Prawn rolls虾仁,谐音常州话“欢迎”,当日手工活虾剥制虾仁,招待贵宾特制。“大珠小珠落玉盘”,从视觉上真切地感到这句诗的绝妙之处。一个个饱满剔透娇小玲珑的河虾仁,晶莹剔透,香嫩细致。Shrimp, homonym Changzhou dialect "welcome", We use daily alive shrimp, dedicated to the VIPs only. "Pearls falling into a jade plate" represents this poem from the vision, crystal clear, tender and delicate.
- 三味小龙虾Three Flavors of Crayfish,Xuyi Style经典三种口味,采用小龙虾之都—盱眙的上等小龙虾,三种秘制口味,让人食指大动,大快朵颐。Three flavors, we picked crayfish from Xuyi—most famous crayfish birth place. With 3 secret tastes, glut yourself with delicacy.
- “坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳来”,佛跳墙一品汤因而驰名天下。集尽荤食精华,一口汤一口料,浓、香、甜、清,齿颊留香,荤而不腻。A famous soup makes Buddha jumps over the wall. Combine the best meat essence, feel thick, fragrant, sweet, clear but not greasy meat.
- 清炖佛跳墙Steamed Abalone with Shark's Fin and Fish Maw in Broth
- 大烤目鱼块Roasted Soles目鱼富含蛋白质、碳水化合物、多种维生素和钙、磷、铁等矿物质,具有益血补肾、健胃理气、止血降脂的功效。The Soles is rich of protein, carbohydrates, various vitamins and minerals, has the effect of stomach nourishing and fat decrease.
- 澳带拌银丝Baked Bean Vermicelli and Scallops in Stone Pot香港老饭店特色菜品,是开业以来点击率最高的菜品之一。One of the most popular dishes since its opening in Hong Kong's old restaurant features.
Boiled Tofu and Seafood in Ishinabe
“豆腐豆腐年年富”,江南水乡,家家户户都喜欢吃豆腐,这道菜充满着江南人记忆的味道。"Tofu stands for every year’s rich", the Yangtza river delta, every household likes to eat tofu. This dish contains full of memory of local people.
- 淹城大鳊鱼Steamed Parabramis Pekinensis with Glutinous Rice Wine,Changzhou Style淹城大鳊鱼,外形比其他鱼类要扁,历经2500年传下来的鳊鱼,酒酿做法,色香味俱全,是一道的经典老常州菜。The Parabramis Pekinensis’s appearance are flat than others,still alive until now .The method of cooking is Steamed with Glutinous Rice Wine,taste delicious, is a classic of changzhou dish.
- 蜜汁烤双方Steamed Ham in Honey Sauce
This is a star dish in Hongkong old restaurant. Jackie Chan would order every time he arrives, which has sold over one hundred thousand portions since opening.
- 姜汁炒芥兰Steamed Cabbage Mustard in Chinese Broccoli炒芥兰--广东蔬菜最靓的一种做法,芥兰具有解毒祛风、除邪热、解劳乏、清心明目等功效。Steamed cabbage mustard -- the most popular cooking type in Guangdong, which has the effect of removing fatigue and refreshing mind.
- 鸡汤鸡毛菜Steamed Exidia Auricula and Chinese Little Greens鸡毛菜中所含的矿物质,维生素C,润泽皮肤、延缓衰老。The minerals & vitamin C in this vegetable help to moist skin and anti-aging.
- 常州招牌饭Fried rice,Changzhou Style都说吃在常州,常州市长首创将本地特产萝卜干完美融入,比起大名鼎鼎的扬州炒饭,常州萝卜干炒饭另有风味,具有本地特色,深受贵宾欢迎。It is said you must Eat in Changzhou. Changzhou mayor invested this dish, use local specialty radish combined, compared to famous Yangzhou fried rice, Changzhou radish fried rice more welcome &available locally.
- 酒酿小圆子Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Rice Wine中式甜点,自制酒酿加上糯米小丸子,具有补中益气、健脾养胃、止虚汗之功效。Chinese style dessert, home-made rice wine and glutinous rice balls, has the effect of nourishing the stomach.
- 甜品Dessert餐后甜品,甜蜜难忘。Dessert, sweet and unforgettable.