The Sixth Tongji Sino-German Economic Law Symposium
- 主题:社交网络和大数据:对公共福利,隐私和私人生活的挑战Theme: Social Networks and Big Data: Challenges to Public Welfare, Privacy and Private Life
- 同济大学第六届中德经济法研讨会
- The Sixth Tongji Sino-German Economic Law Symposium
- 诚邀莅临
- Time: April 9 – 10,2018Venue: Sino-French Center C 401Organizer: Law School of Tongji UniversityLaw School of Humboldt University of BerlinLaw School of Konstanz UniversitySupport: CDC of Tongji University
- 同济大学第六届中德经济法研讨会
- The Sixth Tongji Sino-German Economic Law Symposium
- Transactions in large amounts of data are touching the lives of billions, who, willingly or unconsciously, waive their privacy in exchange for amenities offered by social networks and other service providers. Messenger services and social media contribute flexibility to the working environment but may also adversely impact the privacy of employees.
- On the other hand, collection and analysis of data has a welfare-enhancing effect by triggering innovative services and products. How should the law react to these social developments? The symposium aims to elaborate on the challenges posed by the digital economy to a variety of legal areas.
- Specifically, is competition law an appropriate tool for protecting consumer interests? Are modifications to contract law necessary to address privacy waivers? Will a property right in data incite innovation in the digital industry? And, how should labour law react to the digital working environment? Renowned academics and legal practitioners will analyze recent legal and judicial developments in China and Europe and propose solutions to these unresolved problems.
- Speakers
- Dr. Dr. Benjamin BAI, Legal and Compliance Department Vice President and Chief IP Counsel, Ant FinancialProf. CHEN Yifeng, Law Faculty, Peking UniversityDr. Peter GANEA, Law Faculty, Tongji UniversityProf. Dr. GAO Xujun, Law Faculty, Tongji UnversityProf. Dr. Jochen GLÖCKNER (LL.M. USA), University of KonstanzProf. Dr. LIU Shan, Law Faculty, Zhejiang University of Technology
- Speakers
- Prof. Dr. Axel METZGER (LL.M. Harvard), Humboldt University of BerlinQI Da, Partner, Junhe Law OfficesProf. Dr. Reinhard SINGER, Humboldt University of BerlinProf. Dr. Stefan STRASSNER, Wildau University of Applied SciencesProf. Dr. Michael STÜRNER (M. Jur. Oxford), University of KonstanzProf. Dr. YU Xinmiao, Shanghai International College of Intellectual
- Speakers
- Property, Tongji UniversityZENG Caixia, Law Faculty, Tongji UniversityProf. Dr. ZHANG Taolue, Law Faculty, Tongji UnversityProf. Dr. ZHOU Changzheng, Law Faculty, Nanjing UniversityEU Law Research Council of Shanghai Law Society
- time:10:10 - 10:30Discussiontime:10:30 - 10:50Tea/Coffeetime:10:50 - 11:10Bai: An Unhurried View of Data Monopoly from the Intellectual Property Perspectivetime : 11:10 - 11:30Zeng: Relevant Market Definition in Case of Data Monopolies: an Expanded View
- Agenda:9 Apriltime:09:00 – 09:30Greetings: Law Faculty, CDHK, Konstanz University, Humboldt UniversityFIRST SESSION: COMPETITION LAW ASPECTStime:09:30 - 09:50Glöckner: Big Data and Competition Law - Swiss Army Knife, Band Aid or Special Tool for Special Problems?time:09:50 - 10:10Yu: Challenges for Antitrust Law in the Age of Big Data: Comparative Observations
- time: 11:30 - 11:50Qi: Data Monopoly of Firms and Unfair Competitiontime:11:50 - 12:10Discussiontime:12:10 - 13:30Lunch
- SECOND SESSION: DATA AND CONTRACT LAWtime: 13:30 - 13:50Sturner: Contractual Aspects of the Supply of Digital Contenttime:13:50 - 14:10Metzger: Data as Counter-performance: Preconditions and Consequences under Contract Lawtime:14:10 - 14:30Discussiontime:14:10 - 14:30Tea/Coffee
- THIRD SESSION: DATA AS OBJECT OF TRADEtime: 14:50 - 15:10Ganea: Rewarding Innovation in the Data Industry: is Exclusive IP Necessary?time:15:10 - 15:30Zhang: Is Data a new proprietary IP? A Review of Recent Court Decisions in Chinatime:15:30 - 15:50Liu: The Governance Model of Copyright Infringement for User-Generated content in the Big Data Eratime:15:50 - 16:15DiscussionTea/Coffee
- Agenda:10 AprilFOURTH SESSION: WORKING CONDITIONS IN A DIGITIZED ENVIRONMENTtime:09:30 - 09:50Singer: Working Time in a Digitized Work Environment - Aspects of Flexibility, Self- Determination and Employee Protectiontime:09:50 - 10:10Chen: Labour or Service? On the Relevance of Labour Law in the Digital Economytime:10:10 - 10:50Discussion
- time:10:50 - 11:10Tea/Coffeetime:11:10 - 11:30Strassner: Bigger Data - Bigger Problems? Protecting Employee Privacy under German Lawtime:11:30 - 11:50Zhou: How to Use Big Data to Protect Workers’ Rights: Experiences from Chinatime:11:50 - 12:10Discussion