- 【请查收】你有一份冠寓礼物未领取!A Gift from Guanyu for You!
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- 3、你对住客活动及冠遇会的建立有什么建议?( Your Suggestions of Tenants' Activi-ties and Guanyu Club)
- 2.2、悄悄告诉我,你想要参加什么神秘组织呢?(Which kinds of interest groups do you intend to join)
- 2.1、悄悄告诉我,你想要创建什么神秘组织呢?(Which kinds of interest groups do you intend to create)
- 2、你是否有意愿创建兴趣社团 (Are you willing to organize interest groups)Tip:福利你懂的 ( There are some privileges of organizers)
- Part 3
- 1、你是否有意愿竞选会长(Do you want to be the president of Guanyu Club) Tip:会长可享受多种特权哦~(There are some privileges of president)
- 惊喜还在后面哦每一次邂逅,都是一场缘份。茫茫人海中,我们相聚在冠寓大家庭。现在我们希望建立一个好玩的冠遇会,让它成为比学生会还强大的存在,为我们每一位冠头带来欢乐。冠遇会,一切由你来主宰!The surprise is still in the back.Thank for fate, we meet at Guanyu. Now we would like to establish Guanyu Club for you, and it will much more powerful than any stu-dent unions .
- 4、你稀饭一起嗨什么呢?(Which kinds of activities do you want to join)
- 3、你的偶像是(Your Idol)
- 2、看家本领(Your Specialty)
- 1、生活中的小确幸(Your Hobbies and Interests)
- Part 2
- 12、你有爱宠么(Do you have pets)
- 11、你平时会自己开车出门么(Do you go out by your own car)
- 10、你的年收入是多少(Annual Income)
- 9、为生活奋斗的那个地方(Company)
- 8、生活的奋斗(Occupation)
- 7、另一个她/他出现在你生命里了没呢(Are you single)
- 6、正处人生哪个段位(Age Group)
- 5、破蛋地(Hometown)
- 4、破蛋日(Your Birthday)
- 2、哪个小冠拥有了你(Which Guanyu do you stay in and your room number)
- Part 1
- A Gift from Guanyufor You!
- 你有一份冠寓礼物未领取
- 3、你的性别(Gender)
- 1、我怎么称呼帅气/美腻的你(Your Name)
- 亲爱的冠头:春江三月,我们相逢在鹏城。感谢在茫茫人海中,我找到了你。请让小冠多了解你一点,我将赠你关于我的纪念。Dear Guanyuer,It’s my honor to meet you in Shenzhen. Please let me know more about you, and I will show you my gift.