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- Strict rules apply to inemuri. These include who is allowed to do it - only those high up or low down in a company - and how you do it - remain upright to show you are still socially engaged in some way.“日本眯”也有自己严格的规则。包括只有公司的高层和底层才可以这样做,这样做的同时坐正,表明自己仍在现场参与活动。"The rules are written nowhere but everyone knows them, they learn them culturally," says Dr Steger.斯蒂格博士说:“每个人都知道这些不成文的规定,他们从文化角度了解这些。”词汇补充:upright:adj.正直的,笔直的 n.垂直culturally :adv.从文化角度上
- The custom is partly a result of how commitment to a job is judged in Japan, says Dr Brigitte Steger. Inemuri is viewed as exhaustion from working hard and sacrificing sleep at night. Many people fake it to look committed to their job.布里奇特-斯蒂格博士说,这种习惯部分出自于日本人如何判断工作是否投入。人们认为“日本眯”代表工作努力而疲累,晚上牺牲了睡眠时间。为了看起来对工作全身心投入,很多日本人还假装“日本眯”。词汇补充:custom:n.习惯、惯例commitment:n.承诺、保证、委托exhaustion:n.耗尽、筋疲力竭sacrifice: n.v.牺牲fake:n.假货,骗子 v.造假,捏造
- Napping at work isn't acceptable in the UK, but in Japan dozing anywhere from Parliament to business meetings is allowed. It's called inemuri, which literally means "to be asleep while present".上班时打盹在英国是不被接受的行为,但在日本,不管是在国会开会时瞌睡,还是在商务会议中小睡,人们都不会大惊小怪,这被称为“日本眯”,字面意思是“现在就睡一会儿”。词汇补充:acceptable:adj.可接受的,合意的,可忍受的dozing:v.假寐Parliament:n.议会 国会literally :adv.照字面意思的
- (北京瘫)
- (这样躺,那样躺,反正我就躺)
- (葛大爷的专属姿势“葛优躺”)
- 先来回顾一下葛优躺,北京瘫是什么样子?
- 北京瘫、葛优躺”引起一番热议后,现在有一个国家的睡眠问题引起人们的注意,那就是“日本眯”。