一个太平洋 两个西海岸
一个太平洋 两个西海岸
- West coast, there are two west coast
- 西海岸,有两个西海岸
- 一个开拓、冒险
- A pioneering, adventurous, its genetic western cowboy gold mine gold, engine technological innovation
- 它的基因西部牛仔金矿淘金、擎动科技革新
- 它的胸襟海纳百川、脊梁砥柱中流
- A struggle, butterfly change, its mind in the sea, the mainstay of the backbone
- 一个奋进、蝶变
- An American golden state, the world 's sixth largest economy, developed into its red blood
- 一个美国黄金州,全球第六大经济体
- 发展融入它红色血液
- 激扬蓝色经济的强劲脉搏
- 一个百亿产业集群,生机勃发
- A billion industrial clusters, vibrant, to promote the strong pulse of the blue economy
- A golden beach in Malibu, by highway 1 The world 's most beautiful coastline winds " 17 miles"
- 一个1号公路旁,Malibu 的金色沙滩世界最美海岸线蜿蜒“17英里”
- A thousand - year - old pearl mountain, reed { langya } Taiwan, phoenix island, pearls such as fallingString up 282 km of blue ribbon, yi yi unripe brightness "
- 一个滨海大道、金沙滩、凤凰岛、唐岛湾珍珠如坠,串起282公里蓝色丝带,熠熠生辉
- A West Coast said Morning!
- 一个西海岸说,Morning
- 一个西海岸说,早安!
- A West Coast said Morning!
- 这里是锐意的西海岸在砥砺中不断突破排除险阻
- Here is the decisive west coastContinued to break through in the temper to rule out obstacles
- 这里是活力的西海岸在进取中大踏步激昂前行
- Here is the vibrant West CoastEnterprising stride forward
- 一片日新月异的热土一片蔚蓝磅礴的海洋
- A rapidly changing landA sea of blue majestic
- 潮州
- 温岭
- 张家港
- 青岛
- 沿溯中国32000公里绵延海岸线世界500强,碧桂园翡翠湾高端滨海资产序列星落其上
- China stretches 32,000 kilometers along the coastlineTop 500 in the world, Country GardenEmerald Bay high-end coastal assets sequenceStar falls on it
- 贵宾专线:0532-55552999项目地址:长江东路与衡山路交汇处展厅地址:青岛西海岸新区长江东路与天目山路交汇处西(奔驰4S店东)
- 为时代喝彩 给雄心归宿
- 久仰 世界的西海岸 幸会 你的碧桂园