Industry 4.0 Mixer

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The first industrial revolution in 1700s brought us steam engines and the first machines. Next was electricity, the assembly line and mass production, followed by the third industrial revolution of computers and automation. Now we are standing ...
  • Time: 2pm - 5pm 26th November 2016 
    Location: Youchuang Zone, #3 Qunhui Road, Xin'an 
    Sub-district, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
  • The Factory of the Future
  • INDUSTRY 4.0 
  • The   
    first industrial     
    revolution in 1700s     
    brought us steam engines     
    and the first machines. Next was     
    electricity, the assembly line and mass     
    production, followed by the third indus-     
    trial revolution of computers and automation.     
    Now we are standing at a threshold of Industry 4.0 
    - A SMART FACTORY - that will merge technology, 
    physical space and robots that are interconneced
     with Internet of Things. Theserobots are equipped
    with artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze big
    data, act autonomously and act in decentralized     
  • Join us on 26th of November to 
    learn about the factory of the future. 
  • However, we need to answer questions
    and find new ways to overcome the     
    challenges of smart factory in practice:

    How secure are the data in the cloud? 
    How can we maintain the stability of   
    the cyber-physical systems? 
    How can we keep integrity, but still     
    keep control over artificial intelligence? 
    How can we overcome the challenge   
    of displaced workers with introduction 
    of Industry 4.0? 
    Will we face unemployment crisis or   
    we will turn towards creative work and 
    How do we design our factories and  
    what methods do we utilize? 

  • Welcome Speech
  • Frank holds a Master's degree inBusiness 
    Administration, a BA in Economics, is a 
    certified Economic Manager and a trans-
    lator as well. 

    For more than ten years, Frank has been 
    working for the business, trade and eco-
    nomic departments of Bao'an District. 

    In 2007, he was also working for Shenzhen 
    Municipality at European Representative 
    Office in Nuremberg in Germany, as well as 26th Universiade in 2011. Frank has been 
    running Theme Mixer as a platform for 
    Bao'an District from its conception in 2014.  
  • Topic: A Brief Overview of Theme Mixer
  • Frank Chen
    Economic Manager
    Bao'an District Economic 
    Promotion Bureau
  • Speaker 1
  • Ingo Neumann is a consultant for UNITY Business Consulting 
    in China. He grew up in Germany and the USA. Ingo Neumann
    received a Master of science in Industrial Engineering from 
    Tsinghua University and a Master of Science in Business Admi-
    nistration and Engineering from the RWTH Aachen University.
    He is fluent in English, German and Chinese.

    For UNITY's customers, Ingo Neumann analyzes and refines
    production and logistics processes by combining innovative 
    concepts with best practices from lean and shop floor mana-
    gement. He also drives brown and greenfield factory planning
    projects in Germany and China. Furthermore, he sets-up and 
    implements project management methodologies employing
    agile principles and visual management practices.

    During his projects, strategies and business models for Industry
    4.0 are an ever-present topic. Internally, Ingo Neumann explores
    the impact of digitization on factory planning as well as produc-
    tion and maintenance together with his Chinese and German
    colleagues to ensure UNITY's services always incorporate the 
    latest market demand.

  • Topic: What Industry 4.0 means for Main-
    tenance Repair and Overhaul 
  • Ingo Neumann
    UNITY Business Consulting 
    (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
  • Speaker 2
  • The Manufacturing landscape in South China is rapidly changing.
    Future factories will combine the efficiencies from robotics with 
    flexibility from on-site research and product development. They 
    will be highly adaptable, digitally smart and technologically inte-
    grated. Nurturing the highly skilled and innovative workforce for
    these very different environments will be crucial. Tomorrow's 
    workers will demand a new type of manufacturing campus that 
    is inspiring, humane and encourages collaboration and innova-
    tion and operates more efficiently.

    Over a range of recent projects, Arup have been developing a 
    new approach that radically rethinks what a manufacturing faci-
    lity could and should be. How can it adapt more quickly to chan-
    ging product lines and technology? How can it work better for 
    the people who work there? How can it encourage and integrate
    R&D and innovation better? In this talk Mark will provide an in-
    sight into this work.

    An architect by training, Mark joined Arup in 2006 and currently 
    leads the South China Architecture and Planning team. With over
    20 years experience working on ground-breaking and award win-
    ning science and industry projects around the world, Mark's ex-
    pertise and insight has been instrumental in leading highly inno-
    vative projects like Sky's world first naturally ventilated TV stu-
    dios in UK, and a stunning new traditional rice wine factory in SE
    China set in a beautiful tea valley.

    Mark holds MA with Honours for Architecture & Urban Design 
    from University of Edinburgh and is a Chartered Member of 
    Royal Institute of British Architects.
  • Mark Richardson
    Architecture & Planning Leader
    Arup South China Branch
  • Topic: Rethinking the Manufacturing 
    Campus for Industry 4.0 and beyond
  • Speaker 3
  • Martin Kefer is a robotics engineer from Vienna, Austria. He 
    has a Masters degree in Robotics from the university FH 
    Technikum Wien, and has been working with ABB for several 
    years as a research scientist. Martin’s interests are industrial 
    robots for manufacturing, including topics such as robot mo-
    tion control, robot intelligence, robot vision, robot mechanical
    design, and algorithm design.

    His first paper was published in 2011 before he achieved his 
    Bachelor degree, however, one of his most notable work is 
    “A Novel and Automated Pattern Recognition Technique for 
    Infra-red Stereo Camera Calibration” (2013), which was publi-
    shed during a university research project where Martin and 
    his colleague were chosen as the only two from their class to 
    work in cooperation with the military and several technology 

    In the recent past working for ABB as a scientist, Martin attend-
    ed several IEEE conferences in Asia and published several pa-
    pers regarding robot vision and papers about algorithm design 
    and implementation, such as “A Predictive, Size-invariant Con-
    vex Shape Detector for High- speed and Accurate Image Proce-
    ssing” (2015) which is a work related to robot visual servoing, 
    and “Acoustic Holography - A Robot Application” which des-
    cribes a unique application for acoustic measurements of a 
    moving fan.

  • Topic: Innovating robots to fit Industry 4.0
  • Martin Kefer
    R&D Engineer 
    ABB (Corporate Research), 
  • Schedule
  • Panel discussion with speakers and 
    Moderator Frank Chen
  • 17:00 - Till end
  • Networking & refreshments
  • 15:20 - 15:35
  • Questions & Answers
  • 16:10 - 16:35
  • 16:35 - 17:00
  • Questions & Answers
  • Networking & refreshments
  • 15:50 - 16:10
  • 15:35 - 15:50
  • Innovating robots to fit Industry 4.0
    Martin Kefer
    R&D Engineer at ABB(Corporate Research),
  • Rethinking the Manufacturing Campus for
    Industry 4.0 and beyond
    Mark Richardson  Arup South China 
    Architecture and Planning Leader
  • 15:00 - 15:20
  • What Industry 4.0 means for maintenance 
    Repair and Overhaul  
    Ingo Neumann  Consultant, UNITY 
    Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd
  • 14:45 - 15:00
  • Questions & Answers
  • 14:25 - 14:45
  • Registraion
  • Welcome Speech
    Moderator Frank Chen  
    Bao'an District Economic Promotion 
    Bereau, Shenzhen
  • 14:15 - 14:25
  • 14:00 - 14:15
  • Industry 4.0 Mixer
    26th of November 2016
  • Where are we located
  • Or please send your full name and 
    phone number to
  • Register for FREE 
    to save a seat!
  • Mixer events(280+)
  • We are building an excellent 
    Mixer Group which combines 
    by designers, engineers, geeks, 
    team leaders and many other 
    talented people. As the limit of 
    adding Wechat group by QR 
    code when there is more than 
    100 members in the group, 
    we provide another way 
    for who is interested to join 
    this group. Please write down 
    your wechat ID, and we will 
    add you and invite you 
    within 24 hours:)
  • Wechat Group