连接时空 窥见未来
让我们一起 站在地表面 双脚离地 跳起来 .......
- In 1965, Soviet cosmonaut alexey. Where leonov finished first in the history of feat became the first person of "space walk".
- 1965年,苏联宇航员阿列克谢.列昂诺夫完成了史上第一壮举成为“太空漫步第一人”。
- 10月1-7日 电音派对 震撼狂欢----国际庄
- October 1 to 7, Electric shock carnival party The international village
- 双 脚 离 地 跳起来 ! ! !
- Feet off the ground jumped up! ! !
- Let's stand on the ground surface
- 让我们一起 站在地表面
- 时至今日,万物已改变,形成现代科技化,仰望日日夜夜的星空点点,
- "I have found the Baltic and kaliningrad bay""The earth is round"
- Electric syllables in OctoberMost the most hi IN the party
- 十 月 电 音 节最 IN 最 嗨 的 party
- Today, everything has changed, formation of modern science and technology, look to the sky every bits of bit of day and night,
- 如今回忆那十二分钟的短暂冒险,他依旧新潮澎湃,依然清楚记得自己拥抱太空的感
- “星星围在我身边,阳光及其刺眼,‘光’好像成了身体的一部分”
- Looking like the stars reflect, meditation throb, destruction of night
- "The stars around my side, and the dazzling sunshine," light "to become part of the body"
- 寻觅如繁星般的辉映,冥想悸动,沉沦夜色
- The science fiction home party "space"
- “闭上眼睛,天地间仿佛只剩我 一个人,整个世界万籁俱寂”
- "Close your eyes, between heaven and earth as if only I a person, everything was quiet during the whole world"
- 连 接 时 空 窥 见 未 来
- 《科幻主场》 “太空派对”
- A glimpse of the future connect space and time