The rain had cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet.
雨水湿润了空气 闻见青草清新
踏歌起舞 携手相邀
- Wilson & Jennifer
- October 15th,2016
- invite you to be with usas we celebrate our new life together
- 点击文本框输入文字介绍点击编辑栏替换图片
- L is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adoreLOVE is all that I can give to you
- we are getting married
- Wilson & Jennifer
- 诚挚邀请您
- 莅临我们的新婚典礼
- 见证我们的幸福和喜悦
- 谨定于
- 2016年10月15日 星期六
- 六时晚宴 恭候光临
- 席设
- 杭州JW万豪酒店
- 湖墅南路28号
- Wilson & Jennifer