- It’s much to be regretted that we could not have met earlier.
- 我们如海鸥之与波涛相遇似的,遇见了,走近了
- As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
- 你说,你怀揣梦想,想飞遍全世界。但……
- You never know what you can do till you try.
- 不要因为语言的障碍,便让你的理想坐在峭壁上
- Men may meet but mountains never
- 你不能选择哪是最好的,而是那最好的选择你
- If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
- 上海派思英语——带你走向世界
- The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.
- 这是一盏灯,犹如极光一样耀眼,为你指引前进的方向
- Strike while the iron is hot
- 这是一只有力的手,带你顺利攀越英语口语之巅
- Knowledge is power
- 这是一支优秀的队伍,为你走向世界护航呐喊
- Well begun is half done
- 这就是上海派思英语
- good company on the road is the shortest cut.
- 他专业 精准 地道
- good advice is beyond all price.
- 他涵盖高考英语口语雅思托福出国辅导出国咨询商务英语口语
- truth never fears investigation.
- 看这里这不仅仅是荣誉,而是英语口语界至高的实力
- Frankness is the most advisable maneuver.
- 2016年7月23日19:00-20:30鹤壁小天鹅艺术学校地址:黄河路与嵩山路交叉口联系电话:0392-3300002微信/QQ:17777106诚邀莅临
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