- Health Qigong
- 隆重亮相Officially Unveiled
- Luxury Silk Scrollof Ba Duan Jin
- 健身气功八段锦卷轴
- 材料工艺:锦缎丝织品装裱Material Technology:Brocade Silk Fabric Decoration
- 规格:画芯宽20cm,长300cmSpecifications: painting corewidth 20cmlength 300cm
- ——带你体验八段锦的高贵- Experience the nobleness of Ba Duan Jin
- Luxury Silk Scroll of Ba Duan Jin
- 健身气功八段锦卷轴
- 八段锦,名称最早出现在南宋洪迈所著《夷坚志》中,是中国古代传统的八节健身术。其动作古朴高雅,效果显著,是历代养生家和习练者共同创造的财富。The term Ba Duan Jin first appeared in SongDynasty (1127-1279). It was an eight-sectionhealth-keeping technique in ancient China. Themovement is simple and elegant, which providespeople both physical and mental benefits. It is thewealth created by many health caregivers andpractitioners.
- 锦
- ,由“金”“帛”组成,表示其精美华贵。in Chinese means something brilliant and beautiful, like brocade.
- Luxury Silk Scroll of Ba Duan Jin
- 健身气功八段锦卷轴
- 锦缎丝织品装裱,体现“锦”的高贵气质
- 八百年养生瑰宝浓缩于3米长卷
- 画卷为芯,品味中华传统文化
- Decorated with brocade silk fabric, reflecting the noble of "Jin“
- Health treasures of 800 years concentrated in 3 meters long roll
- Scroll core, traditional Chinese cultural form
- 锦缎丝织品装裱,体现“锦”的高贵气质
- IHQF production, quality assurance
- Famous paintings, inscriptions; unique styles of BaDuanJin
- Collection certificate with the first batch
- In Chinese and English
- Practicality, equipped with action
- IHQF production, quality assurance
- 国际健身气功联合会出品,品质保证
- 名家绘画、题字;画风独具一格,八段锦全新展现形式
- 首批配备收藏证书,可赏玩收藏
- 中英文,国际通用
- 实用性强,配备动作图文描述,附赠扫码观摩视频示范
- 国际健身气功联合会出品,品质保证
- Mr. Jian Shan, Painter, designer, his paintings wonthe gold medal in the professional group in the 24Solar Terms label global collection in the 2017Beijing International Design Week. The works wereexhibited at the United Nations and were collected.Mr. Gao Yanying, National social sports instructor,Health Qigong 7 Duan.Mr. Chen Feng, Senior translator of United Nations,Health Qigong 6 Duan.
- Main Creators:
- 简山: 画家、设计师,其作品在2017北京国际设计周二十四节气标识全球征集活动中获得专业组金奖。作品在联合国展出,并被收藏。高延迎: 国家级社会体育指导员,健身气功七段。陈峰: 联合国资深译员,健身气功六段。
- 主创人员介绍:
- Luxury Silk Scroll of Ba Duan Jin
- 健身气功八段锦卷轴
- 监制:国际健身气功联合会北京国际设计周有限公司出品:山西丽彬文化传媒有限公司
- 价格随后公布,敬请期待!The price isannounced later,please stay tuned!
- 谢 谢!Thank you!