【七星开学日】 Welcome to Seven Star Kindergarten
崭新旅程,即将开启New Journey is coming
- The 6th of September 2017 was a special day for us.Starting from today, we will start a meaningful journey towards a future where we shall take care of the innocence of your children, and therefore provide all the means necessary for their dreams to come true.
- 2017年9月6日,是一个特别的日子,因为从今天开始,我们即将开启一场意义非凡的旅程;在未来的这段时光里,我们将携手呵护一颗颗小小童心的萌芽,见证一个个大梦想的盛开!
- At first, we want to tell the childrenwho joined our family :you are great!This is their first step in an independent world and it will be our honor to sharethis important moment with them.
- 首先,想对初入园的孩子说一句,宝贝们你们真棒!走进幼儿园,就要开始独自面对世界的第一步。七星幼儿园很荣幸能陪你共度人生中值得纪念的这一时刻。
- Hence we would like to say: Thank you,for the trust and confidence in allowing us to take care of your wonderfulchildren.Providing the children with love, care andsupport is not only our mission but a promise to them and their parents of ourconstant pursuit for their happiness and well being.
- 更想对家长说一句,感谢你们的信任,将你们最最珍贵的宝贝托付于七星!为孩子提供“爱、关心和支持”,不仅是七星对学生和家长的郑重承诺,更是七星不断追求的目标。
- We are here today because of this common love and we now have this opportunity to get to know and understand one another and make their seeds of knowledge bloom.Education is a long and tough moment filled with happiness and surprises. In the future we would like to work with you whilst also supporting each other in order to create a better environment for the children.
- 【共同的爱,共同期待】A common goal. One common love.正是因为对孩子的这份共同的爱与期待,让我们相遇在这里,彼此相知、相识。七星定会珍惜每个家庭的托付和信任,尊重每一粒种子的梦想和未来。教育是一个漫长、艰难而又充满幸福、惊喜的过程,在未来的日子里,我们愿和您并肩携手、同舟共济、彼此信赖、相互支持,共同为孩子们创造一个健康美好的成长环境。
- We are looking forward to the different adventures that we will share and live together.
- 期待这场旅途中属于他们的美好故事……