- 锁屏通知
- 介
- 简
- 企业
- InjoyTours
- 企 业
- InjoyTours,Inc.是太今集团旗下的综合性、平台化发展的创意定制游公司。是一家集创意旅行、高端服务于一体的旅游咨询有限公司InjoyTours,Inc. is a subsidiary of Tekin,Inc. also a creative customized tour company developing towards the direction of integrity and platformization. It is a set of creative travel, high-end services in one of the Tourism Consulting Co., Ltd.
- Injoy旅游主要从事创意旅行的全方位服务,面向亲子、成人、老人群体。全新创意玩法,甩开传统的旅行方式,用心去体验每一场在injoy的旅行方式。InjoyTours, mainly engaged in a full range of creative travel services, for parents, adults, the elderly group.The brand new and creative ways of playing involved discards the traditional way to travel and lead you to experience every journey in injoy by heart.
- 品牌介绍
- 定位于各大城市周边游、国内长线游、境外长线游等。致力于打造国际化、高端化、专业化、特色化旅游品牌。Located in travel around big cities, domestic ling-term travel, overseas long-term travel, etc, we are committed to creating an international, high-end, professional, and unique tourism brand.
- 让孩子们回归自然,还给他们最纯真的童年。让爸爸妈妈在这里和孩子们更好的互动起来。Allow the children to return to the nature and give them back the most innocent childhood. Let moms and dads make a better interaction here.
- 案例展示
- 案例展示
- 他们一直在路上用自己的旅行方式书写生活。赛马、捕鱼、踏沙漠、皮划艇,每个人都在路上...They are always in their particular journey to picture their lives. Horse racing, fishing, riding desert, kayaking, everyone is on the road...
- 企业文化
- 企业愿景:让所有旅行的朋友,都能真正体验旅行中的--幸福Enterprise vision: wish all travel friends can truly experience the journey of happiness企业使命:致力于发展社会型企业Enterprise mission: committed to the development of social enterprises