首页 / Wellcome please

【请查收】你有一份冠寓礼物未领取A Gift from Guanyu for You

感谢茫茫人海中,小冠找到了你。请让小冠多了解你一点,未来日子,小冠将与你携手同行。Please let me know more about you, and I will always be with you.


In order to serve our Chinese clients to the best of our ability in regard to the German speaking market - which covers a population of over 100 million - , we have expanded our core business service over the time and will continue to do so. Please take note of our list of services.

Please Join us!

To Build a Successful Photonics Business


请于6月15日周六下午3点40分,在上海宝山体育馆2号门集合并领取手环及工作证,入场时间为4点半,不得迟到!Please meet at the Gate 2 of Shanghai Baoshan Stadium 15:40 on June 15 and claim your working pass. Entry time: 16:30, MUST BE ON TIME!

SAB applications are counting down

Please submit your forms by March 26th

Know Talented Teachers?

Hey guys! We need your help! We are looking for more teachers to join us this year. If you know anyone who’s interested, please recommend them to me. You could also simply repost this poster, and have all your friends see it.

2021 Graduation Invitation

The graduation ceremony will be held in the academic hall on June 18th,please be present at 8:30 am.


Please don‘t to go INternational Zhuang

Adversity Management&EI

please try to answer the question~thanks!



IMEX Theme Party

Ahoy! My honorable pirates! We are going to celebrate your great success on 19:00 19th July! Please get ready and get wild!


Please don't want to be extremely bossy on my head-small grass Yours faithfully,